VAR media index

Vol. 43, No. 1, Summer 2017
Born Digital Issue

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Interactive Fictional Dialogue Games as Arts-Based Research

Christine Liao
University of North Carolina Wilmington


Using an interactive fictional dialogue game as an example, I argue that digital games are an artful way to represent research such that creating interactive digital games can be seen as an art-making process and likewise a way to analyze and understand research data. The interactive fictional dialogue game featured herein constitutes arts-based research (ABR) focusing on new media as the art medium. First, I discuss fiction writing as arts-based research practice to establish the possibilities and range of ABR. Then, I extend the concept of fiction writing to incorporate interactive fiction, a game genre, and discuss the potential of interactivity as the core characteristic of new media and new media–based scholarship. Further, through the example of a fictional dialogue game on avatar-making created using Twine, I argue that interactive fiction games are a kind of arts-based research.

The interactive game can be accessed at

Figure 1
Figure 1. Screenshot of concept map–like passages in Twine.



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