The Black Elk-SUNY saga continues

Inside Higher Ed follows up the story from two years ago on SUNY Press’ acquisition of a University of Nebraska Press bestseller.

Black Elk Speaks is the autobiography of a Lakota healer who describes pivotal events in Native American history. . . . Over the years, the University of Nebraska Press sold about 1 million copies of the book — which not only became a pivotal part of the university’s list, but reflected the institution’s commitment to study of the Native Americans of the Great Plains. . . . But in 2008, Gary H. Dunham moved from being director of the Nebraska Press to a parallel position at the State University of New York, and the Neihardt trust did a deal with the SUNY Press to move the book there as well.

Willis Regier, current Director of the University of Illinois Press and former director at Nebraska, was quoted in the story:

“The importance of Black Elk Speaks to Nebraska went well beyond its income. It was a centerpiece for Native American studies,” he said.

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