Alison Syring Promoted to Acquisitions Editor

We are delighted to announce that Alison Syring has been promoted to the rank of acquisitions editor. Alison was our first ’Round the Press intern and was hired as an assistant acquisitions editor in 2017. She earned an MFA in creative writing from UIUC, and has a varied background in publishing work, especially on the production side. She has been very capably handling projects from our former acquisitions editor James Englehardt’s lists (labor history, Appalachian studies) as well as projects our former senior acquisitions editor Dawn Durante had underway in women’s studies and African-American studies. Going forward, she will be handling labor studies, disability studies, radical studies, Appalachian studies, religion (including Mormon studies), Illinois history, and digital humanities.

Alison says, “I am very excited to move into this new role at Illinois. It is inspiring to take over historical lists, like labor studies, that have made critical interventions in the field for many years, as well as newer lists that continue growing and developing. I am so grateful to have worked with talented editors who mentored me toward this position, and I look forward to continuing to learn and grow with this opportunity.”

Please join us in congratulating Alison and welcoming her to this new role!

About Heather Gernenz

University of Illinois Press Publicity Manager