2019 University of Illinois Press Publishing Symposium February 15, 2019
Call for Book Proposals
The University of Illinois Press Publishing Symposium invites advanced UIUC graduate students and junior faculty to submit humanities or social sciences book proposals. Proposals may be tailored to any academic press, not just the U of I Press, but should represent a well-developed project. Scholars whose proposals are accepted will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with an experienced acquisitions editor to receive feedback on their work. These 20-minute face-to-face meetings will take place during the morning session of the publishing symposium on Friday, February 15, 2019.
Include the following materials with your proposal:
- A cover letter that includes a brief description of the project, its anticipated length, your timeline for completion, and your complete contact information (name, address, phone number, and e-mail).
- An annotated table of contents.
- Your current curriculum vitae or résumé.
- A five- to ten-page description of the project that addresses the questions below.
Basic description
What is the main point of your project? What questions do you seek to answer? How will your book add new knowledge, new breadth, a new perspective, or a new approach to the topic? How will your book contribute to the field? If submitted for a series, how does it advance the goals of the series? Does your project intersect with public debates or issues in any way?
Audience and market
What is the audience for your book? Who, principally, will buy and read it? Does it include insights of interest to people outside your own specific field—scholars in intersecting areas or interested readers beyond academe? What books already exist on the topic, and what will set your book apart from these competing or complementary titles?
What is the expected word count of the manuscript, including notes, bibliography, appendixes, and any other textual matter? Do you anticipate including illustrations, maps, or tables? If so, please indicate how many, what kind, and why they would add significantly to the book.
What was the genesis of your project? Please include discussion of any particularly innovative source material that has informed your project. If the manuscript began as a dissertation, please describe revisions you have made or plan to make so that it will attract the much larger audience required to merit publication in book form.
Previously published material
Has any material been previously published? We only accept manuscripts that contain limited amounts of previously published material. Authors will be responsible for securing permission for previously published parts of the manuscript.
Simultaneous submission
Is your proposal being considered for publication by any other press(es)?
Submit proposals to Julie Laut, jlaut2@illinois.edu
Deadline: Monday, January 28, 2019, at 5pm
Early submissions will be given priority.
An editor will contact you with a meeting time by February 4, 2019.
For more information on the symposium go to: https://www.press.uillinois.edu/about/symposium.html