New York Times tech guru David Pogue reports on the case of the disappearing Kindle ebooks. This morning, stealthily crept into Kindle owners’ digital libraries and absconded with their […]
Category: all things digital
Jack Shafer wrote a column for Slate about e-books, publishers, pricing, and the lessons of Napster. It doesn’t make me a defender of illegal file-sharing to say that the music industry […]
Amazon and the future of publishing
Fast Company has a long article on Amazon, distribution, and the future of publishing. Jeff Bezos is trying to do to book publishers what Steve Jobs of Apple did to […]
Cutting out the middleman
The Writers’ Union of Canada’s chairwoman of the contracts committee suggests in The Globe & Mail that authors bypass publishers and embrace the e-book. Truly, a revolution in publishing has […]
The evolution of scholarly listservs
The Chronicle covers the ways in which academic e-mail lists like H-Net and others have changed to accommodate new directions in online communications. Web 2.0 keeps marching on. But now […]
More advice for UPs
The director of University of Akron Press has some advice for university presses in this morning’s Inside Higher Ed. University presses must become part of the new information infrastructure of […]
UIP Twitter feed
OK, you can follow the University of Illinois Press on Twitter. […]
Twitter, the no file
I’ve been monitoring tweets with the phrase “university press” and saw one pop up that said: Daughter had great interview for design job with University Press (name redacted). Keeping my […]
CHE’s AAUP report
Here is yesterday’s report on the AAUP annual meeting from the Chronicle of Higher Education. One indication that university-press publishing has life in it yet: Many more presses have moved […]
AAUP recap
Inside Higher Ed covers the recent AAUP meeting in Philadelphia. If the evolution from print to online poses one set of challenges, the sagging budgets of colleges pose another. University […]
Twitter ed
Scott McLemee investigates Twitter use at university presses. […]
We don’t like your manuscript submission so we’re going to make fun of you
Very Short List recommends a website today that features audio samples of rejected music demos sent to a record label. I doubt that any of the aspiring artists gave the […]