Common Threads: Higher Mental Processes is now available

CommonThreadsAJPThis fall University of Illinois Press Journals is publishing the first in a series of e-books that bring together related journal content into a single volume.

The Common Threads series of e-books allow the reader to experience several thematically-related scholarly articles at one time. This innovative new series aims to gather hand-selected material by leading scholars in an easy-to-digest format that will appeal to a wider audience than before.

Higher Mental Processes, the first volume in Common Threads, is now available.

Compiled by the editor of the American Journal of PsychologyRobert W. Proctor, this volume contains ten highly regarded articles from the Journal that discuss higher order thinking. The articles span the 125 year history and are authored by the most prominent names in the field.

E-books in this series are available for order in paperback.

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