Here’s Heather on creative communication strategies:
We journals production editors have noticed how hard it can be to get important information, resources, and instructions to the busy editors and contributors with whom we work.
Recently we were talking about updating the content of the materials and messages we send out, but now we realize that our methods of delivery (text-heavy PDFs and e-mails) are more likely to be the primary problem. They’re boring.
Henceforth, we think we should communicate via comic book. Or maybe even a short animated film.
We would be in good company if we chose to inform and educate in this method. Here are a few of my favorite educational comics for your reading pleasure.
There’s Bound by Law, the comic from Duke’s Center for the Study of Public Domain.
The World Intellectual Property Organization has comics on trademarks and copyright.
Creative Commons has several comics, but my favorite is an animated short video from 2002 that explains the basic concepts of CC.
I think we’re going to need an intern and some fancy new Macs, at the least, please!