The March 31, 2009, edition of the New York Daily News includes a review of John Broven’s new book Record Makers and Breakers: Voices of the Independent Rock ‘n’ Roll Pioneers.
“A fascinating new book about the early independent labels of rock ‘n’ roll underscores again the central role that radio played in turning rock ‘n’ roll into the musical language of modern American popular culture. Record Makers and Breakers … is a rich and engaging history of those early years, largely told through the words of the smart guys, hustlers and Runyonesque characters who shaped them.”
And, the May 2009 issue of Downbeat says:
“Broven … keeps the text moving right along, his fill-in facts and explanations welcome, his segues from interviewees’ words to his own smooth and easy. The author clearly loves the music and holds the achievements of the record people in high regard, but he stays level-headed and avoids overpraising his heroes.”