Richard Hughes on How We Can Save Our Country

Cover for Hughes: Christian America and the Kingdom of God. Click for larger imageRichard Hughes, author of Christian America and the Kingdom of God, started a new three-part series at The Huffington Post titled “Echoes from Gettysburg.” How We Can Save Our Country–Part 1 posted on January 16 and How Americans Embrace Incivility and Ignore the Poor was published this morning.

“Weeks before the attempted assassination of Representative Gabrielle Giffords, four Americans gathered at a diner in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, only 40 miles from the site of Lincoln’s ‘Gettysburg Address.’

They gathered to ponder the rising levels of incivility in America’s public square.

And as they dealt with that question, they pondered as well the issue that had troubled President Abraham Lincoln some 150 years earlier — the potential loss of that great experiment that the world, for almost 225 years, has called ‘America.’

The shooting of Giffords — and of 19 others — lends urgency to the question, ‘Can America survive the level of incivility we have witnessed in recent years?'”

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