Inside Higher Ed refers readers to a story in The Albany Times Union on layoffs at SUNY Press. “The cuts, made earlier this month, represented nearly 15 percent of what […]
Category: publishing
Survivor Scholarly Publishing
The Chronicle highlights the growing number of campus support staff who advise faculty on best practices in getting from manuscript to book. Surely some will miss out on the adventure of the old days: “We’ll drop you […]
Top designs of 2008
A December 3rd Bookslut post links to The Book Design Review‘s favorite covers of 2008. […]
“Information needs to be shared, not billed”
The December 1, 2008, issue of Publishers Weekly includes an interesting Soapbox column on the exchange of information between booksellers and publishers/distributors. “So the current situation is something like this: essential […]
Pay for books? Seriously?
One of the things I love about living in Champaign-Urbana is the prominence of books in our culture. In addition to the U of I libraries, we have three public […]
In the November 21 issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education, Jennifer Howard discusses the emerging role of the scholarly communications specialist on campus. More institutions are creating or beefing up […]
Just another autumn day at our nation’s Capitol
A random walk down university press row
-Penn State U. Press has added new preview and sales services to its website. -Oxford University Press Blog discusses slow blogging. -Harvard University Press blog tells us how to say goodbye in […]
Whatis WorldCat?
This morning’s Inside Higher Ed features a short article on a “new” WorldCat policy that requires organizations displaying WorldCat records to attach what amounts to a “terms and conditions” contract […]
Library exhibit
The UIUC libraries have generously allowed the University of Illinois Press to close our 90th anniversary celebrations with an exhibit in the Main North-South Hallway of the Main Library. The […]
A random walk down university press row
-PSU Press has a snack controversy. -NYU Press has a new blog. -Duke University Press’s blog touts a new edition available as a free download. -University of Washington Press celebrates its […]
Google suit settled
Inside Higher Ed reports that a lawsuit pitting writers and publishers against Google has been settled. “Under the settlement, Google will pay the authors and publishers who have already sued […]