Eladio B. Bobadilla Wins 2020 Herbert G. Gutman Prize for Outstanding Dissertation

We’re pleased to announce that Eladio B. Bobadilla has won the Labor and Working-Class History Association’s 2020 Herbert G. Gutman Prize for Outstanding Dissertation for his project “One People without Borders”: The Lost Roots of the Immigrants’ Rights Movement, 1954-2006.” Bobadilla will receive a cash prize of $750 from LAWCHA along with up to $500 in travel expenses to attend the awards ceremony, and a contract to publish in our Working Class in American History Series. The prize committee included Yevette Jordan, Jessica Wilkerson, and James Barrett.

The dissertation prize is named in honor of the late Herbert G. Gutman, a pioneering labor historian and a founder of the Working Class in American History Series. LAWCHA hopes that the spirit of Gutman’s inquiry into the many facets of labor and working-class history will live on through this prize.

Congratulations Eladio! We look forward to publishing your book.

About Heather Gernenz

University of Illinois Press Publicity Manager