When aviation pioneer Octave Chanute died in 1910, no one could have dreamed that man would not only conquer the air, but venture into outer space. Five years after Chanute’s death the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, or NACA, was formed. The organization was the precursor to today’s NASA.
On March 3rd, 2015, the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum and the NASA History Program Office hosted a special symposium to commemorate a century of aerospace research and development.
NASA Chief Historian William P. Barry moderated a discussion on the history of aviation with UIP author Simine Short alongside Tom D. Crouch of the National Air and Space Museum and Laurence Burke of Carnegie Mellon University.
Aviation historian Simine Short’s book Locomotive to Aeromotive details the life and his immeasurable contributions of Chanute to engineering and transportation.