We’re pleased to announce that Cara A. Finnegan’s forthcoming book, Photographic Presidents: Making History from Daguerreotype to Digital, has been given a National Endowment for the Humanities Open Book Award, a special initiative for scholarly presses to make recent monographs freely available online.
The NEH said, “The books that will be made available through this award range from studies of Russian libel to Song dynasty paintings and the birth of the Reformation, and were all written with previous support from one of several NEH fellowship programs.
During a time when so many of us are doing research remotely, the value of digital editions like these that can be freely accessed from anywhere in the world is more apparent than ever.
All awardees will receive $5,500 per book to support digitization, marketing, and a stipend for the author.”
Photographic Presidents will be published in April 2021. Stay tuned for an announcement of when the open access edition will be available.
Congratulation’s Cara!