Meet our authors at
IBMA’s World of Bluegrass!
Barbara Martin Stephens, Don’t Give Your Heart to A Rambler
Mike Doubler, Dixie Dewdrop: The Uncle Dave Macon Story
Neil Rosenberg, Bluegrass Generation
Penny Parsons, Foggy Mountain Troubadour: The Life and Music of Curly Seckler
Join us for a book signing in the exhibit hall,
3:00 p.m., Thursday, September 27, 2018.
And while you’re there don’t forget to check out Tom Ewing’s long awaited biography of the Father of Bluegrass, Bill Monroe: The Life and Music of the Blue Grass Man. Get University of Illinois Press books at the conference discount of up to 40% off with free shipping, and journal subscriptions up to 30% off. We hope to see you there!