Palmer’s “James P. Cannon” wins the Wallace K. Ferguson Prize

Cover for Palmer: James P. Cannon and the Origins of the American Revolutionary Left, 1890-1928. Click for larger imageBryan D. Palmer’s book, James P. Cannon and the Origins of the American Revolutionary Left, 1890-1928, has recently been awarded the Wallace K. Ferguson Prize given by the Canadian Historical Association.  Dr. Palmer’s host institution, Trent University, issued a news release announcing the honor.

“This biography explores the life of James Cannon, a pioneer American communist and later the founder and leader of the American Trotskyist movement. Past winners of the Wallace K. Ferguson Prize include some of the most distinguished historians in Canada, among them Natalie Zemon Davis, Michael Bliss, Nicholas Rogers, Modris Ekstein, Michael Marrus, and John Beattie.”


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