Question (Mom): Who can you be texting over 1,000 times a day? Answer (Daughter): IDN, MBF Jill? (I don’t know, my best friend Jill?) Most of us have seen this […]
Category: author commentary
“Stolen Bases” author in The New York Times
Jennifer Ring, author of the new book Stolen Bases: Why American Girls Don’t Play Baseball, is quoted in the March 1, 2009, issue of The New York Times in an […]
Day of Remembrance by Jasmine Alinder
February 19th is the annual Day of Remembrance when we reflect on the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II. The day this year marks the 67th anniversary of […]
A Hollywood reader on a Hollywood writer
Diana Birchall, author of the book Onoto Watanna: The Story of Winnifred Eaton, blogs at Vulpes Libris about her grandmother. For eight years she churned out screenplays, and a few made […]
Watching Obama from the Arabian Peninsula by James Schwoch
I’m sitting in Doha, Qatar, on January 27, 2009, at about 4pm Arabian Standard Time—here this year on a faculty appointment at the new Northwestern University-Qatar campus in Education City. […]
Antenor Firmin predicted America’s first Black president in 1885! by Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban
Anténor Firmin (1850-1911) was a Haitian scholar whose De l’égalité des Races Humaines (Anthropologie Positive) in 1885 (Paris) was a response to European racialist and racist thought in the […]
Flora Jan by Fleur Yano
Unbound Spirit: Letters of Flora Belle Jan chronicles the life of a Chinese American flapper/journalist. Her letters to a German immigrant friend from Russia describe her youth in California, her college […]
A Red Family, Obama, and the Continuing American Revolution by Mickey Friedman
Like so many others who grew up in the Civil Rights movement, I am amazed to see the triumph of hope and the desire for change trump racism. As a […]
The Recession and Golf by George B. Kirsch
What impact has the current recession had on golf at country clubs and at public daily fee and municipal courses? What lessons might we learn from the experience of golfers […]
Will History Repeat Itself? by Randi Storch
Most mainstream newspapers and journalists are comfortable drawing connections between today’s financial crisis and the one we call the Great Depression. They also like to comment on the similarities between […]
Strange Haven’s Popularity by Sigmund Tobias
I am pleased that there is enough interest in Strange Haven: A Jewish Childhood in Wartime Shanghai to publish a paperback version. Frankly, I’m also a little surprised by the […]
Corey D. B. Walker interview
An interview with Corey D. B. Walker, assistant professor in the department of Africana Studies at Brown University and author of the new book A Noble Fight: African American Freemasonry […]