We are pleased to announce For a Just and Better World: Engendering Anarchism in the Mexican Borderlands, 1900-1983 by Sonia Hernández has won the 2022 Philip Taft Labor History Book Award.
From the ILR School of Cornell University – Philip Taft Labor History Book Award release:
For a Just and Better World: Engendering Anarchism in the Mexican Borderlands, 1900-1938, written by Sonia Hernández and published by the University of Illinois Press, anchors anarcho-syndicalism in the Gulf of Mexico as a powerful way to understand transnational political and labor networks. Hernández’s framing of women’s lives brings to the fore the importance of gender rights in the period, as well as issues of race, ethnicity and nationalism. Based on impressive research on both sides of the Mexican border, this beautifully argued study of feminist politics in borderland communities provides a model for how to present transnational scholarship.
Congratulations, Dr. Hernández!