Welcome to the University of Illinois Press Association for the Study of African American Life and History 2021 virtual exhibit! Step inside and take a look at some of our featured titles as well as interviews with UIP authors. Use promo code ASALH21 to get 50% off all African American Studies books on our website! Plus, buy 3 books and get a free copy of the Spring 2021 issue of the journal, Women, Gender and Families of Color. The sale runs September 14-30, 2021.
Featured Journals

Journal of Civil and Human Rights (JCHR) is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, academic journal dedicated to studying modern U.S.-based social justice movements and freedom struggles, including transnational ones, and their antecedents, influence, and legacies.

Women, Gender, and Families of Color is a multidisciplinary journal that centers on the study of Black, Latina, Indigenous, and Asian American women, gender, and families.
New Books in The New Black Studies Series, edited by Darlene Clark Hine and Dwight A. McBride
The Black Internationalism Series, edited by Keisha N. Blain and Quito Swan
Featured Books
Let’s Talk

We are pleased to announce that Dominique Moore has joined the University of Illinois Press as an acquisitions editor. She will acquire in the fields of Black studies, women’s, gender, and sexuality studies, and American ethnic studies. With years of freelance work as a copyeditor and proofreader and positions that include managing editor at Human Kinetics, Mellon University Press Diversity Fellow at the Ohio State University Press, and, most recently, assistant editor at the University of North Carolina Press, she brings a wealth of publishing experience to UIP. You can follow her on Twitter at @DomTheEditor.
Read the full announcement here.
The UPside Podcast with Dr. Tiffany Florvil and Dominique Moore
Surviving Southampton Virtual Book Launch
Mobilizing Black Germany Virtual Book Launch
The Mark of Slavery and Between Fitness and Death Virtual Book Launch
Laughing to Keep From Dying Virtual Book Launch
University of Illinois Press 1619 Reading Lists
August 2019 marked the 400th anniversary of enslaved people arriving in America. To commemorate the anniversary, The New York Times Magazine launched the 1619 Project, a major initiative led by Nikole Hannah-Jones, with the goal of re-framing our understanding of the impact of slavery and recognizing the contributions of Black Americans to American democracy. In 2019, we created reading lists that spoke to key themes covered by the project. You can find them here.
September Free Ebook Giveaway

Browse Our Black Studies Subject Catalog
More From Our Authors
- Afro-Nostalgia in the Chicago Sun-Times
- “The Burden of Demanding Black Excellence” by Badia Ahad-Legardy in DAME
- Listen to an interview with Mecca Jamilah Sullivan on the Ideas on Fire podcast
- Listen to an interview with Stefanie Hunt-Kennedy on the Disability History Association Podcast
- “The irony of complaints about Nikole Hannah-Jones’s advocacy journalism” by Sid Bedingfield in the Washington Post
- Learn more about the COMPUGIRLS program
- Listen to an interview with Danielle Morgan on KALW’s Crosscurrents
- Listen to an interview with Claudrena N. Harold on the Roots and Roots Radio show
- Listen to an interview with Tiffany N. Florvil on the Decolonization in Action podcast
- Read an interview with Emily Thuma on Rewire.News