University presses, as a rule, pay a lot of attention to their communities. That may take the form of publishing titles on their regions, or their own schools. No end […]
Category: publishing
University Press Week: Getting serious
Yesterday, as part of our #ReadUP campaign celebrating University Press Week, a Justice League of academic publishing and book industry pros hosted a live YouTube webinar on various aspects of […]
Banning books
Last year Slate ran an article that, in that annoying Slate way, made it clear: the battle is won. We no longer have to fear book banning. It is a rare phenomenon, […]
Meet the UI Press: Ask the Bolshevik
Meet the UI Press is a recurring feature that delves into issues affecting academic publishing, writing, education, and related topics. Today, industry advice columnist The Bolshevik answers your questions. Dear […]
Judging by the Cover
The University of Illinois Press recently had the honor of hosting the 2015 AAUP Book, Jacket, & Journal Show, the traveling exhibition of the 37 books and 40 jackets and covers that […]
Meet the UI Press: Das Gravy Boot
The latest in our series of posts on how university presses and other small publishing concerns can enjoy greater financial security by creating new revenue streams. The introductory post is here. A second post […]
Brick and mortar
You’ve heard some version of the rumors by now. Amazon, online giga-retailer to us all, intends to open brick-and-mortar bookstores that may or may not expand upon the ideas found in the […]
Big ideas
We like science fiction. We admire science fiction. We always stay on the lookout for more scholarly work on science fiction. Behold! Over the weekend a new journal hit the […]
Meet the UI Press: Homophones and homographs
Meet the UI Press is a recurring feature that delves into issues affecting academic publishing, writing, education, and related topics. Homophones vex us from the day we put away our toolbox […]
Ask the Bolshevik
Meet the UI Press is a recurring feature that delves into issues affecting academic publishing, writing, education, and other topics. Today, industry advice columnist The Bolshevik answers your questions. Dear Bolshevik, […]
Pictures perfect
As a plucky nonprofit, the UIP keeps an eye out for resources that allow us to marry words to striking images. The New York Public Library just added another treasure trove to […]
Ask the Bolshevik
Meet the UI Press is a recurring feature that delves into issues affecting academic publishing, writing, education, and related topics. Today, industry advice columnist The Bolshevik answers your questions. Dear Bolshevik, […]