Interview: 50 Years of Journal of Mormon History

2024 marks the Journal of Mormon Historys fiftieth anniversary volume year. Visit the Scholarly Publishing Collective to read Volume 50, Issue 1; listen to The UPside podcast episode with the journal’s editor and former editors; or read the interview below. 

University of Illinois Press (UIP): I’m excited to present our interview recognizing the fiftieth volume year of the Journal of Mormon History. We’ll be discussing the journal’s history, the fiftieth anniversary forum, and much more.  

I’m joined today by editor of the journal, Dr. Christopher Jones: 

Christopher Jones (CJ): Hi, Mary, it’s good to be here with you. 

UIP: …as well as former journal editors Jessie Embry and Dr. Christopher Blythe. 

Jessie Embry (JE): Hi, Mary! 

Chris Blythe (CB): We’re thrilled to be here. Thank you. 

UIP: Before we dive into our questions, I’m sure our listeners would love to get to know you all better. Could you please introduce yourselves and share a bit about your backgrounds and how you became involved with Journal of Mormon History? 

CJ: Yeah, certainly. I’m an assistant professor of history at Brigham Young University (BYU), where I research, write, and teach about a variety of things, including early American history, family history, and religion in American history, including the Mormon past. I first came aboard the Journal of Mormon History as a co-editor in almost exactly one year ago, in January of 2023, and served as co-editor with Jessie until September of this year, and I’ve been handling things on my own since then as solo editor. 

JE: I’m Jessie Embry. I worked at BYU for 35 years. When I retired, I applied and was appointed as the editor of the Journal. I did it for 4 years on my own, then worked as a co-editor with Chris Blythe, and then worked as a co-editor with Christopher Jones as mentioned. 

CB: I am Chris Blythe. I was editor until Christopher came on and I’m an assistant professor in folklore and literature. I would probably call myself a folklore historian. I wrote a book called Terrible Revolution, Latter Day Saints in the American Apocalypse. That kind of shows my style of things. In my spare time now, since I’m retired from the journal, I do a podcast that keeps me really busy and fun. It’s called “Angels and Seerstones.“ 

UIP: Great, thank you all so much for those introductions.  

We want to congratulate you on the journal reaching its fiftieth volume year—half a century of Journal of Mormon History! For anyone who is unfamiliar with the journal, the Journal of Mormon History examines the Mormon past through a variety of perspectives. In addition to traditional articles, the Journal publishes round tables and shorter essays analyzing particularly significant (and not widely known) documents, photographs, and material culture, as well as historiographical essays. It is also the official journal of the Mormon History Association (MHA). You can learn more about the Journal, including how to subscribe, submit your own work, or read online, at

Now that we know a little bit more about the journal and each of you, I wanted to start us off by asking what your experiences have been like working as editor or co-editor of Journal of Mormon History and supporting each other through editorial transitions. Were there any challenges or high points? 

CB: Maybe I should start since I’m the most retired of us. I loved it. We had, just a wonderful time. What I love is to help scholars improve their work and to seek out interesting material and research going on. Being an editor for the Journal was just a great experience. It was a dream come true. As you said, Journal of Mormon History has a wonderful past, a wonderful history. It was put together by fantastic editors to begin with, and it’s had a series since. It really meant a lot to be part of that.  

I’d say one of the high points for me was probably working with Jessie. Jessie had been on the Journal for 4 years already and she brought me on as an Associate Editor. And it was just really fun, right, to be able to dig into different scholarship. And you know, Jessie and I can debate what we enjoyed, and we’d go talk to reviewers… And if you are a scholar that’s as obsessed with a topic like I am being the editor of the flagship journal in the field is, I mean, it’s a fantasy. So, while I was part of it, it just it’s just been a great deal. It’s cool. 

JE: I enjoyed being editor. I enjoyed working with the scholars. I particularly wanted to highlight the longtime editor, Lavina Fielding Anderson, who had been the editor of all my books over the years. The Journal of Mormon History out as a single volume, and Lavina made it become a quarterly, sometimes up to 288 pages. She just did remarkable things for it, and I had the opportunity to live off of the wonderful things that she had done. 

CJ: I came in as editor a year ago with a lot of enthusiasm, but perhaps not a lot of practical experience on the editing side of journals. And so, I spent 8 months trying to learn absolutely everything that I could from Jessie, who proved to not only be an able historian and editor that I already knew her as, but also a really wonderful mentor.  

Looking forward, you know, as we transitioned away from being co-editors to me becoming solo editor, my primary goals are just to build on the legacy that Chris and Jessie and Lavina and the journals other editors stretching back 50 years now have left for me. Building on that in ways that are hopefully productive and continue to advance the broader field of Mormon history.  

UIP: So interesting to hear a little bit more about the behind the scenes of the Journal. Jumping into the anniversary issue: Volume 50, Issue 1, is out now and features a forum of essays from all three of you on the journal’s history and your time on the editorial team. Could you tell our listeners a little more about the forum and what inspired you to put this together?  

JE: Everyone loves round numbers: as I looked forward to me no longer being editor and realized it was going to be a fiftieth volume, I just thought it would be nice to put together a short forum. The idea of what we were going to do changed over time, but it worked out well to have the 3 of us be able to explain things about the Journal. I particularly was focusing on the history of it, so that anyone looking at it can see how the Journal had evolved into before I became the editor. 

CB: Absolutely. I always like background conversation from editors or authors and so I always jump on to something like this. When Jessie had the idea, I thought it was a really fun way to end our partnership together and to end her tenure. I’m glad we did something exciting for this fiftieth anniversary. And I hope people read it. It’s pretty cool for them. 

CJ: Yeah, I was really excited about this when I came on board, and Jessie mentioned that we were considering doing something like this for the fiftieth anniversary issue of the Journal and it ended up being a really great opportunity to for me to learn something about the longer history of the Journal from Jessie’s contribution to that forum and to come to better appreciate the work that editors like Jessie and like Lavina Fielding Anderson put into the Journal for years and years, and the timing ended up actually being quite coincidental or providential.  

Lavina sadly just passed away about a month ago and I think the forum actually ends up being a really nice tribute to her, and the important work that she did on the Journal for nearly 2 decades. And Lavina’s editorship was during a time before the Journal had come under partnership with the University of Illinois Press, and so she was editing, copyediting, and publishing. She was doing this all as sort of a solo person job, with some assistance from others where she could get it, with an editorial board and other things. But this was really a labor of love for her. And she worked really hard to professionalize the Journal and to sort of bring it up to the standards of modern scholarly journals and academic publishing and the forum ended up being an opportunity—especially in in Jessie’s essay—to honor Lavina and her contributions to that journal and making it what it is today. 

UIP: It was so interesting to read more about more of the Forum, about her work as well as all of yours throughout the years. Diving further in, Jessie, in your contribution to the forum, you walk the reader through the history of the journal’s content and editorial direction. Are there any major milestones, transitions, or landmark moments in the journal’s history that stand out for you as particularly impactful? 

JE: I just tried to continue with what Lavina had been doing. When you’re editing a journal, you get what is submit, and you can’t publish things that weren’t submitted. I like that Lavina sometimes did letters to the editor; we no longer did those, but she did a lot of things to be able to have photographs and to promote different points of view. And that’s what I did. And then what Chris and I tried to do, so that there were a variety of different kinds of articles. 

CB: Yeah, when you think about milestones, there’s so many articles that you could pinpoint where different editors took the time to help individuals refine their work. Obviously the start of the Journal is a big deal, but 50 years ago we had Jan Shipps, one of the greatest religious studies scholars of all time contribute to the first issue, who was not a Latter-day Saint. We’ve just had a series of wonderful scholars that participate and so there’s some interesting transitions and milestones.  

There was the great fiftieth anniversary issue of MHA itself that we did a few years back, we had a lot of major scholars that did contribute to the issue. As I think of a transition, I don’t think of too many except in recent times, but it’s consistently been good. Perhaps you know, the transitions for me as a reader to the Journal is that we’ve expanded in size several times, and we’ve condensed in size. And I think right now, we’ve found a really good size for the Journal

CJ: I remember when the Journal announced that it was expanding from publishing 3 issues a year to becoming a quarterly. It was, if I remember correctly, at the annual meeting of the Mormon History Association in 2007 in Salt Lake City and that was actually the very first MHA that I ever attended. It was the first scholarly conference that I had ever presented some of my research at. I was still an undergraduate history major here at BYU at the time. When that was announced, I don’t think I fully appreciated what it meant at the time, but there was a real buzz, a real energy in the building when that was announced, and it seemed to signal to members of the organization and to readers of the journal that the Journal of Mormon History, and that the field of Mormon history more generally, had sort of arrived, that there was some sort of credibility that came with becoming a quarterly. I think Jessie mentioned at the time we published 4 issues a year of nearly 300 pages each. It was a lot and what we probably didn’t fully appreciate at the time was that Mormon studies is an interdisciplinary field of study that includes Mormon history, but also includes quite a bit beyond that was just beginning to sort of blossom in the academic field and scholarly field.  

In the intervening years there have been a number of additional journals that have come onto the scene, including our good friends at Mormon Studies Review, which the Press also publishes, and several others. And then I think the Journal of Mormon History realized that okay, maybe publishing nearly 1,200 pages of scholarship of Mormon history each year is a bit of a challenge. And so, we sort of scaled back the size of each issue while maintaining it being a quarterly and, as Chris mentioned, I think I found our sweet spot where we’re publishing the handful of really great articles and other documentary analyses and different types of scholarship 4 times a year, with our 4 issues a year. And we’ve sort of carved out a niche for ourselves, I think, as the flagship journal of Mormon history, and one of the most important journals in the broader field of Mormon studies.  

Another sort of major milestone in the Journal’s history was when we forged this partnership with the University of Illinois Press that has historically been sort of the preeminent academic publisher of Mormon history, publishing a number of great books over the years, dating back several decades now. It seemed like a really natural fit for the Journal of Mormon History to come aboard, join the University of Illinois Press team, and turn a lot of the publishing responsibilities and editorial side of things, copyediting side of things, and that sort of thing over to the Press. That seemed like another major milestone, too, in terms of broadening people’s access to the Journal, making it available on various databases and through the Press’s own website. Those have seemed like exciting milestones in terms of the broader history of the Journal

UIP: Those are very exciting milestones, and I know we’re very happy to have you and your journal here with the University of Illinois Press. Going off what you mentioned about the broader field of Mormon studies, one specific content transition discussed is the move from only publishing traditional history articles to accepting articles from many disciplines. Can you share more about this transition and how multidisciplinary work fits into the journal’s content? 

CB: All of us kind of have different perspectives on what constitutes Mormon studies and Mormon history. It’s kind of an interesting thing, and we kind of have internal debates in the field. I remember about when I was brought on as Assistant Editor, Jessie felt like we need to stick to sort of traditional history in the Journal, and so she brought me on when she recognized that there wasn’t enough traditional history to publish all 4 issues of the journal each year. And so, my job was to work with things that were traditionally Mormon studies, which probably for those who aren’t part of our field, would be called interdisciplinary history. This isn’t sociology, or something along those ends, but it is history that uses cultural history or folklore or ethnography or makes a theoretical point rather than a specifically historical point. I’ve always loved that. Like I said, I’m a folklore historian and so I am really interested in theory and really interested in bringing out voices that aren’t always contained in the same sources that we typically use. I was a major push toward a multidisciplinary model, and Jessie tolerated that, which I was so grateful for.  

And I think the Journal might be kind of rethinking how this works, but I would say I’ll share one experience. On one occasion I was present when there was a debate over whether we did Mormon studies in Mormon history and Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, who was actually on my team, was very upset with me in a meeting. She said that I was doing a disservice, not because what I was arguing for, but because when I called something Mormon studies, I was acting as if history was a really limited field. And she was saying, “No, history does all these things. If you’re talking about the past, this is history, and it is multidisciplinary. And that’s where we need to be as a field.” And so, I imagine I could share that position. I really just like that discussion of interdisciplinary or multi-disciplinary rather than that transition from Mormon studies and Mormon history. 

CJ: I don’t come from a multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary training and background. I am as disciplinary of a thinker as I think one can find. I am a historian through and through, and I like to think that that helped Jessie warm up to me a little bit. When I came aboard as Assistant Editor, we found one another as sort of kindred spirits in that way. But at the same time—being familiar with the work that Chris did as a co-editor of the Journal, being familiar with Chris’s own scholarship, with the podcast that he hosts that he mentioned, and with the work of many other individuals who are trained not as historians, but trained as religious studies scholars, or literary scholars, or any number of other fields—I think that we’re not that far apart in the way that we approach the field and approach the Journal, its content, and our goals for it.  

My own approach to history is expansive, and from its inception the Mormon History Association and the Journal of Mormon History have been a venue and a community that welcomes scholars and historians from a variety of backgrounds, including not only sort of different disciplinary backgrounds, but also a number of lay and amateur scholars, and I don’t use those words pejoratively or dismissively in any way. That has always been one of the strengths of the field of Mormon history and of the Journal of Mormon History: its ability to or its willingness to welcome individuals who want to contribute to the study of the Mormon past and bring whatever sort of insights or tools or training that they have to bear on that past, to speak to that past, to reveal new aspects of the Mormon past. 

CB: It’s very correct that this is an ongoing conversation that we have not just in the Journal, but in the field at large. We want to find our identity, and I think Christopher is doing a good job leading us in that conversation right now. 

UIP: So interesting to hear more about the conversations that are being had in Mormon studies. And I’m so glad, Christopher, that you brought up your scholarly community of contributors. Something that you touch on in your forum essay is that the Mormon history community is somewhat unique because it includes many independent researchers who are self-taught or who work outside of academia. What do you think this says about the discipline, and how has this impacted the Journal?  

CJ: As I noted, I think, in my previous response from its inception, the scholarly field, the academic field, the field of Mormon history, the Journal of Mormon History, and the Mormon History Association, have welcomed historians that include a lot more than just people trained in graduate school. As historians, it has included employees of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ historical departments, some of whom had professional training, some of whom didn’t. It has included what we might think of as history buffs, individuals that are passionate about the past. It has included people that have professionally been doctors and lawyers, and stay-at-home parents and everything in between who nevertheless have been interested in and really passionate about Mormon history. For some of them, that has been because they are interested in their own past. This has been members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and other organizations and traditions that trace their sort of ecclesiastical lineage back to Joseph Smith in the nineteenth century. It has included some church leaders who have participated at various times in the in the field and in the Association, and published in in the Journal, but it has also included a number of individuals from a variety of different religious backgrounds, who have found something interesting in the Mormon past.  

Maybe a lot of them began simply by showing up and attending a conference, and then maybe a couple of years later decide, “Hey, I think I could probably present something here at this meeting,” and so they send in a proposal, it was accepted, and then they submitted the paper. And then sometimes by invitation, sometimes through just their own initiative, they have submitted that to the Journal to be published and worked with the editors and the editorial team to help them better understand sort of the disciplinary standards of history, how best to craft an argument and provide evidence for that, and then ultimately to publish in the Journal.  

And what it means is that the Journal of Mormon History and scholarship published in the field of Mormon history more generally gets read by a comparatively broad audience. I would venture a guess that the Journal of Mormon History attracts as many eager readers that sit down and read each issue as just about any comparable journal in the broader field of religion, in American history or early American history, or something of that sort. That is because people are passionate about and care deeply about the Mormon past and about this tradition, in an effort to better understand it and better understand the implications of that history for the present world, for the present church, for the individuals that make up that community today. 

CB: That’s good. I’d add that these individuals writing for the Journal are no slouches. We have some brilliant people that contribute. The Latter-day Saint tradition has always encouraged history. Members write journals, they write family histories, and this is almost like a religious imperative. They go to classes on the nineteenth century history of their church. Wanting to contribute to that isn’t so rare, which I think is really, really cool. I was raised Episcopalian, and I don’t think I’ve ever run into an Episcopalian historian at church. But that’s not the case in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They’re everywhere and like I said, they’re not slouches. Obviously, they have to pass peer review. This isn’t a fan journal or a fanzine. They’re passing peer review, and we have, just two names at the top of my head, Sam Brown and Jonathan Stapley. Both successful middle-aged men who have careers: Jonathan does food science and Sam Brown is a very successful doctor, and on the side, they started presenting at Mormon History Association and publishing with our Journal, as well as Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought and a few other journals also connected with Illinois, and then they wrote books for Oxford University Press. So, it’s a pretty awesome thing what the Mormon History Association can do, even outside of the expected career of a scholar: to be a professor, teach lots of classes, and rush write during the summer. We find other ways to mentor and help our scholars. 

CJ: I’ll just add one note here. In addition to presenting and publishing in the field, these individuals often serve as peer reviewers because they bring a particular expertise in a given subject or in a given set of sources. And we’ve worked hard to also include more fully individuals of diverse sorts of backgrounds. In terms of the editorial makeup the new editorial board for the Journal includes, independent historians, like Ardis Parshall, who’s a long-standing member of the community and a real contributor who has no formal training as a historian and who is self-taught, but who is probably one of the best historical researchers that the field has ever known. 

CB: No question. 

UIP: Another important part of the discussion of the journal’s community is, of course, the Mormon History Association. How does the journal contribute to the mission of the association and vice versa?  

CJ: The Journal is integral to the Association. It is the venue where the very best scholarship that is presented at the annual meeting of the Association, as well as at other venues, is published annually. A membership in the Mormon History Association includes a subscription to the Journal of Mormon History, and I think that perhaps as much as anything signifies just how important this journal is to the broader mission of the Mormon History Association. We seek to be the preeminent scholarly journal in the field of Mormon history. And that makes sense because the Mormon History Association is the preeminent association organization in the field of Mormon history. And so, the individuals that publish in our journal, the individuals that service peer reviewers for scholarship, the individuals that serve as editors and on the board of editors are all also members of the association and members of MHA. I can’t imagine a world where one exists without the other. It was 4 or 5 years after the founding of MHA that Journal of Mormon History began, and it’s been just an absolutely fundamental and crucial part of the association ever since. 

CB: I’d be really interested in hearing what Jessie has to say. She is the only person that I know of to have served as an executive officer of the Mormon History Association and editor of the Journal.  

JE: I think that the Journal is really important to the Mormon History Association. There’ll be people that come to the annual meeting, but most of the type people who belong to the organization can’t make it to the annual meeting. So, the Journal represents the Mormon History Association for that.  

CB: For us that collaboration was really nice, because you go to the Association where people are working on bringing attention to the history of the Mormonism, and we get to walk through there and network and find out who’s doing the great stuff, and then help them and mentor their work, and shepherd their work through the process, to get it to appear in the Journal. You go to the Mormon History Association conference and it’s wonderful, and the Journal takes that work and just leads it just a little bit further down the road for publication.  

JE: And it’s something that lasts for years rather than just a one-time meeting.  

CB: That’s right. Absolutely. 

UIP: Moving back to the journal’s content, Chris Blythe’s contribution to the 50th anniversary forum is a must-read for all up-and-coming Mormon history scholars: “Advice from a Past Editor.” Can you each share your number one piece of advice for new scholars? 

CB: I say this in the article: I think getting a mentor is really important. But the number one thing you have to do is read and read widely. We get in these sort of eras where we pay attention to what’s been written recently, or the trend in the field, and that really limits your contribution. It means that you don’t know what’s been said in the past. You don’t know what’s yours, if what you’re saying is new, and you don’t know how to really be in conversation with the breadth of scholarship. So, my number one piece of advice is you find the works in American religious history that are important, that relate to your interest, and you not only read a little bit of Mormon studies, you read widely. One of the largest problems with young Latter-day Saint studies scholars is that they read recent things, and then they read more in their broader field than they do in the actual subject matter, and they need to do both. 

JE: I think that my goal as editor always was to make people look better. My mentor, Tom Alexander said, “A good editor can always make you look better.” So, you need to recognize that the editors there are your friend and not your foe, willing to help make your work to be better. I had to hire Lavina to be my editor because she helped me improve my writing a great deal, and she always helped me get new insights. When you get involved with a journal, think of the editor as your friend. 

CJ: Building on that my number one piece of advice to young students and scholars of Mormon history would be to not be afraid to get your ideas out there. Presenting at the annual conference of the Mormon History Association is a really great way to do that. Not only because of the sort of reach, but also because of the friendly and welcoming nature of that conference and more importantly the Journal. Don’t be afraid to send stuff to the Journal: my job as editor is to make your stuff look better. The purpose of peer review is to ensure that it meets the highest standards of scholarship. 

To that end, I really appreciate two things that Jessie and Chris did to help to incentivize young scholars to submit their work to the Journal. Number one is we offer mentoring opportunities. I’m reading from the MHA website here, but it says, “We are proud of our ongoing commitment to reach out to new voices. One of the concerns we frequently hear from historians that have yet to publish their work is that they don’t think it is yet up to par for publication. For that reason, we have instituted the mentorship program in which members of the Board and other volunteer mentors have offered to read papers and provide feedback previous to their official submission to the Journal. If you would like to get informal feedback on a paper for a possible future submission, please send your paper to with ‘Mentoring Initiative’ in the subject line.” I’m not aware of any other scholarly journal that offers this sort of mentoring prior to submitting something for publication.  

But beyond that though, Chris and Jessie also introduced this initiative that established a $500 honorarium for all scholars publishing in JMH for the first time, as well as those individuals whose professions do not include a research component. This includes contingent faculty, community college faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, as well as independent scholars. This is how much we value the contributions of those individuals to the field. We recognize that not everybody has a job at a research university or has a job that specifically carves out time for them to pursue research. And we wanted to make sure that we’re not losing those contributions. Chris and Jessie worked with MHA’s Boards to establish this honorarium. That, I think, has resulted in a number of individuals submitting stuff to the Journal and ultimately publishing in the Journal that might not have otherwise. 

UIP: Those are such amazing initiatives and hopefully someone reading this interview will be able to take advantage of one of those programs. Finally, let’s look ahead: besides the anniversary, this year is also quite exciting for your journal because you’ll be launching a podcast of your own! Can you tell us more about what inspired that project and what sorts of content listeners can expect? 

CJ: Yeah, absolutely. The podcast, which is going to have the very creative name, “Journal of Mormon History Podcast” should be available through all podcast providers: Spotify, Apple Podcast, and everywhere in between. We will also make it available on YouTube for younger generations that like to listen to podcasts on YouTube—something I don’t fully understand, but I’m excited to try and reach those listeners as well. I proposed this idea, and I’m now in charge of making it happen simply because I wanted to continue expanding the reach of the Journal.  

Each episode of the podcast will be released with each new issue of the Journal that’s published. It will essentially serve as a preview of that journal’s contents. We will provide a quick overview of the articles that have been published in that issue, of the book reviews and other items that may be published therein, and then feature a short, 10-to-15-minute interview with one or two of the authors that have contributed to that issue. And so, we have scheduled for that first podcast an interview with Michael Austin and Rachel Helps, who have co-authored one of the articles that appear in this fiftieth anniversary issue, set to release here in a few weeks. I’m really excited for folks to listen to it, and hopefully it will be able to convince a few more people to actually pick up a copy of the Journal and give it a read. 

UIP: Looking forward to listening to the first episode! And looking past the fiftieth volume and even further into the future, Christopher, as the current editor, do you have any goals for the journal that you’re thinking about or any topics you’re hoping to see more of in future submissions? 

CJ: The great thing is that I don’t have any sort of new directions that I plan on taking the Journal. Rather, I hope to continue building on the work that Chris and Jessie and other editors have done over these past several years. We have a really exciting special issue forthcoming in 2024 on global Mormon history that is going to be guest edited by my colleague here at BYU, Julie Allen. It pulls primarily from papers that were initially presented at a global Mormon Studies Conference in England a couple of years ago and really signals the breadth and depth and the ongoing globalization of the field of Mormon studies, not just in terms of subject material, but also contributors to that issue. Individuals who have researched and written not just about places far beyond the borders of the United States, but also coming from a number of different sorts of linguistic backgrounds and national and ethnic backgrounds as well. I hope readers can look forward to that. Jessie and Chris also left me with a lot of really fantastic articles that had been accepted or are under “revise and resubmit,” and other things that really touch on any number of issues dealing with the Mormon past, and I’m really excited to see those published in forthcoming issues as well. 

UIP: The Journal definitely has a bright future ahead. I think it’s about time for us to wrap up the interview, so I wanted to say again what a pleasure it was to have all of you here with me today to talk about the Journal of Mormon History and the very exciting year ahead. 

Thank you to the former editors Jessie Embry and Dr. Chris Blythe, for your previous efforts as editors, for your continued support of the Journal, and of course, for joining us for this interview today. 

CB: Thank you so much. This was a great time. 

A special thank you and welcome to Dr. Christopher Jones as the relatively new editor: we’re so glad to have you here today and look forward to all of the new scholarship you will present in future issues. 

CJ: Thank you so much. 

UIP: And a big thank you to our listeners for tuning in to celebrate the fiftieth volume year of Journal of Mormon History. To learn more about the Journal, please visit  

For further reading, the University of Illinois Press is also the publisher of Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Mormon Studies Review, the American Journal of Theology and Philosophy, and Utah Historical Quarterly. The University of Illinois Press published two books on Mormon Studies at the end of 2023: Lowell L. Bennion: A Mormon Educator by George B. Handley and A Word in Season: Isaiah’s Reception in the Book of Mormon by Joseph M. Spencer; and the Press has two more out in January 2024: The Testimony of Two Nations: How the Book of Mormon Reads, and Rereads, the Bible by Michael Austin and Latter-day Saint Perspectives on Atonement edited by Deirdre Nicole Green and Eric D. Huntsman. You can view all of those and more at

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