American Journal of Theology and Philosophy
Official journal of The Institute for American Religious and Philosophical Thought
The American Journal of Theology & Philosophy (AJTP) is a scholarly journal dedicated to the creative interchange of ideas between theologians and philosophers on some of the most critical intellectual and ethical issues of our time. The goal of the AJTP is to promote lively conversation among theologians and philosophers by providing a forum for discussions in the following areas: 1) the interface between theology and philosophy, especially as shaped by American empiricist, naturalist, process, and pragmatist traditions; 2) the development of liberal religious thought in America.
Exceptional scholars, such as Gordon Kaufman, John Cobb, Rosemary Radford Ruether, Holmes Rolston III, Robert Neville, Delwin Brown, Wentzel van Huyssteen, Richard Rorty, Nancy Frankenberry, William Dean, Richard Bernstein, Nancy Howell, Daniel Dombrowski, Edward Farley, Victor Anderson, and Linell Cady have challenged us to think in completely new ways about topics that include public theology and American culture, religion and science, ecological spirituality, feminist cosmology and ethics, problems in religious pluralism and inter-disciplinarity, process thought, metaphysical theology, postmodern thought, the viability of historical and contemporary concepts of God, American religious empiricism and pragmatism, creative democracy, and the nature and truth-value of religious language.
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Gary Slater
Email: garyslater@gmail.com
Book Review Editor
Lisa Landoe Hedrick
Email: landoe@uchicago.edu
Editorial Office
ICS, University of Münster
Robert-Koch-Straße 29
48149 Münster
Editorial Board
- Victor Anderson, Vanderbilt University
- Daniel A. Arnold, University of Chicago Divinity School
- Randall Auxier, Southern Illinois University
- Linell Cady, Arizona State University
- Robert Corrington, Drew University
- Donald Crosby, Colorado State University
- William Dean, Iliff School of Theology
- Mary Doak, University of San Diego
- Gary Dorrien, Union Theology Seminary
- Ronald Engel, Meadville/Lombard
- Nancy Frankenberry, Dartmouth College
- Charley Hardwick, American University
- William David Hart, Macalaster College
- Michael S. Hogue, Meadville Lombard Theological School
- Nancy Howell, St. Paul School of Theology
- Tyron Inbody, United Theology Seminary
- Jennifer Jesse, Truman State University
- Jonathon S. Kahn, Vassar College
- Catherine Keller, Drew University
- Erin McKenna, University of Oregon
- Robert Mesle, Graceland College
- Anthony Pinn, Rice University
- Scott L. Pratt, University of Oregon
- Wayne Proudfoot, Columbia University
- Michael L. Raposa, Lehigh University
- John Shook, University of Buffalo
- Jerome Stone, William Rainey Harper College
- Jeffrey Stout, Princeton University
- Marjorie Suchocki, School of Theology, Claremont
- E. J. Tarbox, Indiana State University
- David Tracy, University of Chicago
- Wentzel van Huyssteen, Princeton Theology Seminary
- Donald Viney, Pittsburgh State University
- Demian Wheeler, United Theological Seminary
- Carol White, Bucknell University
- Wesley Wildman, Boston University
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The goal of the American Journal of Theology & Philosophy is to promote lively conversation among theologians and philosophers by providing a forum for discussions in the following areas:
1. the interface between theology and philosophy, especially as shaped by American empiricist, naturalist, process, and pragmatist traditions;
2. the development of liberal religious thought in America.
The Journal is published three times per year: in January, May, and September. Manuscripts on topics related to one or more of the areas identified above should be sent to the Editor by email. Manuscripts should be approximately 15 to 18 (and no longer than 25) double-spaced pages. We follow The Chicago Manual of Style, and use footnotes instead of endnotes. All papers are refereed using a peer‑review system. Direct manuscript inquiries to Editor Gary Slater at garyslater@gmail.com.
Peer Review Policy:
The practice is for the editor to make an initial decision about whether a just-submitted manuscript merits peer review. If it does, then two reviewers are solicited who are chosen on the basis of their expertise in the subject matter at hand, and who agree to provide reviewer feedback according to an agreed timetable. Reviews are double-blind, i.e., the author does not know the identity of the reviewers, and vice versa. Reviewers are external to the journal, meaning that the editor selects reviewers who are experts in the field and are not directly involved in the editorial management of the journal.
Once both sets of reviewer feedback are received, this feedback is shared with the author. There are four possibilities at this point: rejection, acceptance-without-revisions, acceptance-with-revisions, revise-and-resubmit. A timetable for revision is also communicated. Normally, two rounds of reviewer feedback is the most that a given manuscript receives, and two is the number of reviewers who provide feedback.
The one exception to this external peer review policy is the AJTP lecture, which is held each year at the annual meeting of the AAR/SBL, and is given at the invitation of the editor with the promise of publication after the fact.
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Featured Articles
Neo-Hegelian Theology as Process Theodicy and Socialist Idealism
Gary Dorrien
Royce's The Problem of Christianity and Peirce's Epistemology
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The Neglected Lectures on Conversion and Saintliness in The Varieties of Religious Experience: William James's Search for Redemptive (Saving) Facts
Dan D. Crawford
Review: Explaining the Quantum of Explanation
David E. Conner
Deliberating on Dewey: A Pragmatic Response to Jeffrey Stout's Public Philosophy
Jeremy Sorgen
Environmental Justice as Counterpublic Theology: Reflections for a Postpandemic Public
Andrew R. H. Thompson
The Reach of Empathy: William James's Metaphysics and the Environmental Crisis
Donald A. Crosby
Toward a Comprehensive Interpretation of Aesthetics
Walter B. Gulick
Naturalistic Empiricism as Process Theology
Gary Dorrien
The Influence of Personalism on Harkness and King, Their Pacifism, and Their Persistence
Natalya A. Cherry
William James, W. E. B. Du Bois, and the Art of New Religious Ideals
Kolby Knight
Democracy, Spirit, and Revitalization
Walter B. Gulick
Democracy in an Uncertain World: Expertise as a Provisional Response to Vulnerability
Robert Smid
A Bridge From Analysis to Action: Psychodynamic Analyses of Religion and Michael S. Hogue's American Immanence
AJ Turner
Toward Resilient Democracy: Cognitive Resources and Constraints
John Teehan
A Response to My Readers
Michael S. Hogue
Justice and Generality After Critique
Lisa Landoe Hedrick
Wildman's Effing Theodicy: The Problem of Suffering, the Ground of Being, and the Worship of Suchness
Demian Wheeler
As Ground of Being, God Favors Good Over Bad Choices: Confucian Response to Wesley J. Wildman
Bin Song
Where Philosophy Has Arrived
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Four Majestic Philosophical Thoroughbreds and a Deranged Donkey
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Critical Piety: Our Urgent Need to Recover an Ancient Virtue
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Self-Culture in Emerson's Schellingian Solution to Fate
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Transcendence, Immanence, and Ultimacy: The Theological Adequacy of Religious Naturalism
Jeffrey B. Speaks
Śaṅkara, Tillich, and Abhinavagupta's Use of “God” as a Peircean Index to the Ground of Being and Depths of Nature
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