The University of Illinois Press is pleased to announce the appointment of Cristina Rosetti, assistant professor of humanities at Utah Tech University, and Joseph Stuart, assistant professor of history at Brigham Young University, as co-editors of Mormon Studies Review. They will assist in producing Volume 12 (to be published in January 2025) with outgoing editors Quincy D. Newell and Benjamin Park, who have served as co-editors since 2019. They will assume full editorial responsibilities starting with Volume 13, which will be published in January 2026.
About the Editors
Cristina Rosetti received her PhD in religious studies from the University of California, Riverside and is an expert on the history and lived experience of Mormon fundamentalism in the Intermountain West. She is the author of Joseph White Musser: A Mormon Fundamentalist, forthcoming from the University of Illinois Press in February 2024. Her scholarship has appeared in the Mormon Studies Review, the Journal of Mormon History, American Religion, and Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought.
Joseph Stuart received his PhD in history from the University of Utah, and his research engages the intersections of race, gender, and masculinity in twentieth-century Black freedom movements. His scholarship has appeared in Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture, the Journal of Mormon History, and The Routledge Handbook of Mormonism and Gender. He is working on a monograph examining how the Nation of Islam pursued racial justice outside of integration.
Both scholars come to this appointment with extensive experience. Rosetti served as book review editor for Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, and Stuart held the same position for Journal of Mormon History. Rosetti also served on the editorial advisory board for Mormon Studies Review, and both have published in the journal.
About Mormon Studies Review
Since it was launched in 2013, Mormon Studies Review has become the premier review journal of a popular, evolving, and interdisciplinary subfield. It is published annually and typically includes roundtables, disciplinary essays, review essays, and a multitude of book reviews covering the Mormon tradition and its broader contexts. Contributions traverse many different disciplines, topics, centuries, and nations, and touch on issues related to religion, politics, gender, race, and class, among others. The authors have included seasoned leaders in their respective fields as well as junior scholars fresh out of graduate programs. The primary audience for the journal is academics and institutions who, while not specialists in Mormon studies, are interested in its scholarship as it relates to broader academic trends and topics.
Mormon Studies Review is published once annually by the University of Illinois Press. Full details about the journal, including advertising information and subscription rates, are available at