Best of the Decade: Our Top 10 Publications From the Last 10 Years

This year marks the 10th anniversary of University Press Week. This year’s theme is #KEEPUP and celebrates the ways university presses have evolved over the past decade. To celebrate, we’ve compiled a list of our top ten publications from the past ten years. We would include all of them if we could! The below titles represent some of our best selling books and journals we have institutional partnerships with at the University of Illinois.

Browse the list below and don’t forget to check out other titles from University Presses in this year’s gallery, including the UI Press title, Journalism and Jim Crow. And make sure to check out other posts in the University Press Week blog tour from our member presses!

Beyond Respectability: The Intellectual Thought of Race Women

By Brittney C. Cooper

In the late nineteenth century, a group of publicly active African American women emerged from the social and educational elite to assume racial leadership roles. Their work challenged thinking on racial issues as well as questions about gender, sexuality, and class. Beyond Respectability charts the development of African American women as public intellectuals and the evolution of their thought from the end of the 1800s through the Black Power era of the 1970s. 

Common Threads: Through Words and Deeds: Polish and Polish American Women in History 

Edited by John J. Bukowczyk

Though often overlooked in conventional accounts, women with myriad backgrounds and countless talents have made an impact on Polish and Polish American history. John J. Bukowczyk gathers articles from the journals Polish Review and Polish American Studies to offer a fascinating cross-section of readings about the lives and experiences of these women. 

Illegal: Reflections of an Undocumented Immigrant

By José Ángel N

A day after José Ángel N. first crossed the United States border from Mexico, he was caught and then released onto the streets of Tijuana. Undeterred, N. crawled back through a tunnel to San Diego, where he entered the United States to stay. Illegal: Reflections of an Undocumented Immigrant is his timely and compelling memoir of building a new life in America.

Journal of English and Germanic Philology 

Editors: Renée R. Trilling, Kirsten Wolf, and Matthew Giancarlo

The Journal of English and Germanic Philology  (JEGP) focuses on Northern European literatures of the Middle Ages, covering Medieval English, Germanic, and Celtic Studies. 

The Revolt of the Black Athlete, 50th Anniversary Edition

By Harry Edwards

This Fiftieth Anniversary edition of Harry Edwards’s classic of activist scholarship offers a new introduction and afterword that revisits the revolts by athletes like Muhammad Ali, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Tommie Smith, and John Carlos. At the same time, Edwards engages with the struggles of a present still rife with racism, double standards, and economic injustice.

Illinois Classical Studies 

Editor: Angeliki Tzanetou

Illinois Classical Studies (ICS) was founded in 1976 by Miroslav Marcovich, ICS publishes original research on a variety of topics related to the Classics, in all areas of Classical Philology and its ancillary disciplines, such as Greek and Latin literature, history, and archaeology.

Visual Arts Research

Editor: Laura Hetrick, Jorge Lucero, and Sarah Travis

Visual Arts Research (VAR) provides a forum for historical, critical, cultural, psychological, educational and conceptual research in visual arts and aesthetic education. 

AIA Guide to Chicago, 3rd Edition

By American Institute of Architects Chicago

Edited by Alice Sinkevitch and Laurie McGovern Petersen

An unparalleled architectural powerhouse, Chicago offers visitors and natives alike a stunning survey of styles and forms. The third edition of the AIA Guide to Chicago brings readers up to date on ten years of dynamic changes with new entries on smaller projects as well as showcases like the Aqua building, Trump Tower, and Millennium Park.

Look for the new edition coming next year!

Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 

Editor: Thomas Emerson

The Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology (MCJA) is the premier peer-reviewed, academic archaeology journal of the Midwest Archaeological Conference (MAC).

Spirituals and the Birth of a Black Entertainment Industry

By Sandra Jean Graham

First brought to the stage by choral ensembles like the Fisk Jubilee Singers, spirituals anchored a wide range of late nineteenth-century entertainments, including minstrelsy, variety, and plays by both black and white companies. In the first book-length treatment of postbellum spirituals in theatrical entertainments, Sandra Jean Graham mines a trove of resources to chart the spiritual’s journey from the private lives of slaves to the concert stage.

About Charrice Jones

Social Media Intern