Big Berks 2020 Virtual Exhibit

Welcome to our Big Berks 2020 Virtual Exhibit! Even though we might not be able to visit with you in person, you can still step inside our virtual booth and take a look around! And you can still stock up on all the titles that catch your eye at a great discount. Use Promo Code BERKS50 to get 50% off all women’s history books on our website. Browse all the books on sale herePlus, when you buy any three books, you’ll get the Spring 2020 issue of Women, Gender, and Families of Color shipped to you when the issue is published! Browse our new books and journal issues, blog posts, and other related content below.

Women, Gender, and Families of Color is a multidisciplinary journal that centers on the study of Black, Latina, Indigenous, and Asian American women, gender, and families. Browse on MUSE and JSTOR.

Celebrating the Centennial of the 19th Amendment Check out more suffrage titles in our Essential Women’s Suffrage Reading List.

Recent Books

Browse all the books on sale here.

1619 Project Reading List: Black Women’s Activism

Browse the 1619 Project Reading List here.

Girlhood Studies Syllabus

Download the syllabus here.

Further Reading: Interviews, op-eds and more from our authors

About Heather Gernenz

University of Illinois Press Publicity Manager