The Theoretical-Practical Elements of Music, Parts III and IV

Author: Francesco Galeazzi
Translated with an Introduction and Commentary by Deborah Burton and Gregory W. Harwood
The first English translation of a foundational treatise in music theory
Cloth – $77
eBook – $19.95
Publication Date
Cloth: 07/26/2012
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About the Book

A virtuoso violinist, conductor, composer, and a professor of mathematics and botany, Francesco Galeazzi (1758–1819) firmly believed that musical education should be clear, demonstrable, and practical. In 1791 and 1796, he published the two volumes of his Elementi teorico-practici di musica, a treatise that demonstrated both his thorough grounding in the work of earlier theorists and his own approach to musical study. The first volume gave precise instructions on the violin and how to play it; the second demonstrated his command of other instruments and genres and provided comprehensive introductions to music theory, music history, and music aesthetics. The treatise also addresses the nature of compositional process and eighteenth-century concerns about natural and acquired talent and creativity.

This volume offers an unprecedented English translation of the second volume of Elementi teorico-practici di musica, with annotations and commentary. The translation is introduced with a study of Galeazzi's life and milieu, the genesis and sources for the Elementi, and its reception through the present day.

About the Author

Deborah Burton is an assistant professor of music theory at Boston University. Gregory W. Harwood is a professor of music at Georgia Southern University.