ASA Virtual Exhibit

Welcome to the University of Illinois Press’s virtual exhibit for the 2021 Appalachian Studies Association conference! We hope you’ll step inside our virtual booth and browse new books, journal articles, author interviews, and more. Be sure to use promo code APPSA21 for 50% off all of our Appalachian studies books March 11-14, 2021!

Featured Books in Appalachian Studies

Featured Journal

The Journal of Appalachian Studies is a refereed, multidisciplinary journal published on behalf of the Appalachian Studies Association (ASA) with support from Marshall University. The journal publishes articles of interest to scholars pertaining to Appalachia, especially but not limited to culture, ethnographic research, health, literature, land use, and indigenous groups.

Featured Books in Bluegrass and Country

American Folklore Society Virtual Exhibit

Podcast with former editor of the Journal of Appalachian Studies, Dr. Shaunna Scott, and Acquisitions Editor, Alison Syring

Browse Our Appalachian Studies Catalog

University of Illinois Press on Spotify

Playlist for Unlikely Angel: The Songs of Dolly Parton

Playlist for Hillbilly Maidens, Okies, and Cowgirls: Women’s Country Music, 1930 -1960

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About Charrice Jones

Social Media Intern