Welcome to the 2021 Society for Ethnomusicology virtual exhibit! Enjoy journals, books, author interviews, and more. Use promo code SEM21 for 50% off all ethnomusicology books on our website October 27-31, 2021. And, when you buy three books, you’ll get a free copy of the journal Jazz & Culture.
Proud Publisher of the Official Journal of the SEM, Ethnomusicology

As the official journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology, Ethnomusicology is the premier publication in the field. Its scholarly articles represent current theoretical perspectives and research in ethnomusicology and related fields, while playing a central role in expanding the discipline in the United States and abroad.
Society for Ethnomusicology President Tomie Hahn on her new book Arousing Sense

Tomie Hahn, author of Arousing Sense: Recipes For Workshopping Sensory Experience, answers questions on her personal influences, discoveries, and reader takeaways from her book.
Q: Why did you decide to write this book?
Arousing Sense arose from my creative practice, teaching, and experimenting. I dream that the thirty-plus sensory prompt recipes will raise readers’ curiosity about learning through the senses and they will find creative ways to express themselves through establishing a regular practice. (read more)
Featured Books
Featured Journals

The Journal of American Folklore, the quarterly journal of the American Folklore Society since the Society’s founding in 1888, publishes scholarly articles, notes, and commentaries directed to a wide professional audience.

American Music is an independent, peer-reviewed journal published quarterly by the University of Illinois Press. It includes scholarly pieces about music from all over the Americas.

The Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education provides a forum where contemporary research is made accessible to all with interest in music education. It provides an outlet for scholarly publication and is one of music education’s leading publications.

Jazz and Culture is an annual publication devoted to publishing cutting-edge research on jazz from multiple perspectives. Founded on the principle that both scholars and musicians offer invaluable contributions, it includes articles from academics and master artists in the field.
UPside Podcast with Dr. Frank Gunderson and Dr. Laurie Matheson
Listen to Dr. Frank Gunderson and Dr. Laurie Matheson, Ethnomusicology by The UPside: UIP Podcast Series #np on #SoundCloud
Let’s Talk
Make an appointment to talk about your book project with University of Illinois Press music editor, Laurie Matheson, or about your journal article with Frank Gunderson, editor of Ethnomusicology.

To schedule an appointment with Laurie Matheson, please email lmatheso@illinois.edu

To schedule an appointment with Frank Gunderson, please email ethnomusicologyeditor@gmail.com
Performing Environmentalisms Videos
For more videos on Performing Environmentalisms check out the Diverse Environmentalisms Research Team Facebook Page here.
Browse Our Subject Catalog
More From Our Authors
- Read an excerpt of Manifest Technique on PopMatters
- Read a Q&A with Peter Hoesing, author of Kusamira Muisc in Uganda
- Listen to an interview with Mark R. Villegas on the Ideas on Fire
- “Is anything more American than Oklahoma! in Oklahoma?” by Jake Johnson in Zocalo Public Square
- Jake Johnson reflects on 10 years of the Book of Mormon Musical in Religion Dispatches
- “The 1960s Gospel Hit that Defined a Genre and Era” by Robert Marovich in Zocalo Public Square
- Read an interview with Shayna L. Maskell in Maryland Today
- “The red brick bungalow where hardcore made a home” by Shayna Maskell in Zocalo Public Square
- “Thirty years ago, Nirvana’s ‘Nevermind’ rocked the Midwest” by Dawson Barrett and Jonathan Wright in the Washington Post
- Read an excerpt of Punks in Peoria in the Chicago Reader
- Read an interview with John Milward in Americana UK