NASSH 2022 Virtual Exhibit

Welcome to the University of Illinois Press virtual exhibit for the 2022 North American Society for Sports History (NASSH) annual conference! Explore books, journals, author interviews, and more in this virtual exhibit. Use promo code NASSH22 for 50% off sports books when ordering from our website, May 27-30. Buy 3 books and receive a free issue of the Journal of Olympic Studies.

Featured Journals

The Journal of Olympic Studies is the official publication of the Center for Sociocultural Sport and Olympic Research (CSSOR), and aspires to be the preeminent international multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed scholarly journal in the field of Olympic research. The Journal publishes high quality academic work on the Olympic and Paralympic Movements, in all of its forms.

Journal of Sport History is published on behalf of The North American Society for Sport History. It seeks to promote the study of all aspects of the history of sport. We invite the submission of scholarly articles, research notes, documents, and commentary; interview articles and book reviews are assigned by the Editor.

Latest Books in the Sport and Society Series Edited by Aram Goudsouzian and Jaime Schultz

New in Studies in Sports Media Edited by Victoria E. Johnson and Travis Vogan

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Let’s Talk

Daniel Nasset is the new editor-in-chief at the University of Illinois Press. Danny came to Illinois as an assistant acquisitions editor in 2009, becoming an acquisitions editor in 2011 and a senior acquisitions editor in 2016. Danny has distinguished himself with his acquisitions in history, sports, American studies, communication and media studies!

Click here to read an interview with him.

Click here to contact him by email.

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About Charrice Jones

Social Media Intern