Journal of Olympic Studies

Editor: Matthew P. Llewellyn


Current Volume: 6 (2025)
Biannual (Spring and Fall)
ISSN: 2639-6017
eISSN: 2639-6025


The leading venue for scholarly work on the Olympic and Paralympic Movements

The Journal of Olympic Studies (JOS) is the official publication of the Center for Sociocultural Sport and Olympic Research Conference, and aspires to be the preeminent international multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed scholarly journal in the field of Olympic research. The Journal publishes high-quality academic work on the Olympic and Paralympic Movements, in all of its forms, from scholars in the fields of history, philosophy, management, communication, classics, literature, anthropology, cultural studies, economics, marketing, and law.

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Matthew P. Llewellyn
California State University, Fullerton
Department of Kinesiology 
800 North State College Blvd.
Fullerton, CA, 92831

Associate Editors

  • Julie Brice, California State University, Fullerton
  • John Gleaves, California State University, Fullerton
  • Becca Leopkey, University of Georgia
  • Lindsay Parks Pieper, University of Lynchburg
  • Toby Rider, California State University, Fullerton

Editorial Board

  • Mahfoud Amara, Qatar University
  • Andrew Billings, University of Alabama
  • Ian Brittain, Coventry University
  • Laurence Chalip, George Mason University
  • Mark Dyreson, Pennsylvania State University
  • Li-Hong Hsu, National Taiwan University of Sport
  • Dana Lee Ellis, Laurentian University
  • David J. Lunt, Southern Utah University
  • John MacAloon, University of Chicago
  • Christine O'Bonsawin, University of Victoria
  • Heather Reid, Morningside College
  • Otto Schantz, Universität of Koblenz-Landau
  • Anna-Maria Strittmatter, Norwegian School of Sports Sciences
  • Stephen Wenn, Wilfrid Laurier University
  • Andrew Zimbalist, Smith College

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Journal of Olympic Studies

General guidelines

• Authors should follow the Chicago Manual of Style.

• Manuscripts must be in English. If this is not the first language of the author, contributions should be checked for grammar and syntax, prior to submission, by a person fluent in academic English. It is not the responsibility of the editorial team to redraft articles into an acceptable form and manuscripts which do not meet the required standard will be returned. American conventions in spelling and punctuation should be used throughout.

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•Articles should be submitted electronically to the Journal of Olympic Studies online manuscript submission system, Scholastica. This secure, personalized resource will allow you to track your manuscript through each step of the review and acceptance process. To begin, click below to set up your personal account and upload your submission. Your transmitted material will be reviewed as soon as possible.

Submit to Journal of Olympic Studies

Articles accepted for the Journal of Olympic Studies should demonstrate international quality of scholarship, rigor and analysis. It would also be an advantage in terms of likely publication if the piece addresses a significant issue, even if only by contextualization, and is likely to be widely cited.

Peer Review Policy: All articles generally go to two referees, at least one (and preferably two) of whom are members of the Editorial Board. The comments of the reviewers are then edited and a collective review is sent to the author.

Style guide

• Notes, numbered consecutively, should appear within the text at the end of a sentence, even when referring to a direct quotation, with the full reference located at the end of the article. Notes must not exceed 100 – one way to achieve this is citation by paragraph where appropriate. Endnotes should not be used to provide additional commentary or information.

• Abbreviations – first mention of organizations should be provided in full, but thereafter should be abbreviated: for example, International Olympic Committee (IOC); National Football League (NFL); American Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).
Acronyms, however – for example, NATO, DNA, NASCAR – should not be expanded.

• Dates within text should be in the form July 12, 1958 but in references should be 12 July 1958.

• Numbers up to ninety-nine should be spelled out.

• Authors should follow the Chicago Manual of Style, for example:

Wray Vamplew, Pay Up and Play the Game (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988), 91.

Douglas Booth, "Sports Historians: What Do We Do? How Do We Do It?" in Deconstructing Sport History: A Postmodern Analysis, ed. Murray G. Phillips (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2006), 39.

Tara Kathleen Kelly, "The Still-Hunter and the Temptation Goats: Reconsidering the Meaning of the Hunt in American Culture, 1880-1914," Journal of Sport History 35.2 (2008): 285-301.

Patricia Campbell Warner, "Clothing the American Woman for Sport and Physical Education, 1860 to 1940" (Ph.D. diss., University of Minnesota, 1986), 72.

Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Robert Pear, "Wary Centrists Posing Challenge in Health Care Vote," New York Times, February 27, 2010, accessed February 28, 2010,

A website reference need not be given in full but should include the basic information required for access, together with the date accessed, for example: [accessed 28 May 2009]

An archive should be referenced as follows: Minutes of Meeting of Conference Directors, 1 June 1922, folder 5, box 84, Amos Alonzo Stagg Papers, University of Chicago Archives, Chicago, Illinois.

Latin abbreviations, other than Ibid. (for an immediate second reference) should be avoided.

A second citation should normally be in the form: Kelly, "The Still-Hunter," 289.


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OA Content

An Olympian on Display: Museums and the Commemoration of Jesse Owens
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