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Searching for leter "N": - Page 1- Total 63


Author: José Ángel N.
Pub Date: 05/06/2019

Power and Gender in Renaissance Spain

Author: Edited by Helen Nader
Pub Date: 01/01/2004

Making the News Popular

Author: Anthony M. Nadler
Pub Date: 07/04/2016

Muddying the Waters

Author: Richa Nagar
Pub Date: 11/24/2014

Hungry Translations

Author: Richa Nagar
Pub Date: 09/02/2019

Homer's Text and Language

Author: Gregory Nagy
Pub Date: 12/13/2004

Communists in Harlem during the Depression

Author: Mark Naison
Pub Date: 01/17/2005

Dancing across Borders

Author: Edited by Olga Nájera-Ramírez, Norma E. Cantú, and Brenda M. Romero
Pub Date: 06/22/2009

Domestic Perspectives on Contemporary Democracy

Author: Edited by Peter F. Nardulli
Pub Date: 05/05/2008

International Perspectives on Contemporary Democracy

Author: Edited by Peter F. Nardulli
Pub Date: 06/23/2008

The Magic World of Orson Welles

Author: James Naremore
Pub Date: 06/08/2015

Charles Johnson's Fiction

Author: William R. Nash
Pub Date: 01/06/2003

Women in Iran from the Rise of Islam to 1800

Author: Edited by Guity Nashat and Lois Beck
Pub Date: 01/01/2003

Saying It's So

Author: Daniel A. Nathan
Pub Date: 09/12/2005

Rooting for the Home Team

Author: Edited by Daniel A. Nathan
Pub Date: 05/30/2013

A People's History of Baseball

Author: Mitchell Nathanson
Pub Date: 02/09/2015

On the Wings of Modernism

Author: Robert Allen Nauman
Pub Date: 01/01/2008

I See America Dancing

Author: Edited by Maureen Needham
Pub Date: 01/01/2002

Broken Nuptials in Shakespeare's Plays

Author: Carol Thomas Neely
Pub Date: 01/01/1993

Restless Pilgrim

Author: Reid L. Neilson and Scott D. Marianno
Pub Date: 03/29/2022

Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture

Author: Edited by Cary Nelson and Lawrence Grossberg
Pub Date: 01/01/1988

Workers on the Waterfront

Author: Bruce Nelson
Pub Date: 01/01/1990

Video Rhetorics

Author: John S. Nelson and G. R. Boynton
Pub Date: 01/01/1997

Last Rights

Author: Edited by John C. Nerone
Pub Date: 01/01/1995