Italian American Review

Editor: David Aliano


Current Volume: 15 (2025)
Issued Biannually (April and October)
ISSN: 0535-9120
eISSN: 2690-2451


Journal of the Calandra Italian American Institute

The Italian American Review (IAR), an interdisciplinary, bi-annual, peer-reviewed journal of the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, publishes scholarly articles about the history and culture of Italian Americans, as well as other aspects of the Italian diaspora. The journal embraces a wide range of professional concerns and theoretical orientations in the social sciences and in cultural studies. It entertains articles about such topics as migration, politics, labor, race and ethnicity, urban studies, gender studies, literary criticism, as well as various forms of cultural production (religious feasts, cinema, music, etc.), especially those addressing societal aspects. IAR publishes book reviews, film and digital media reviews, exhibition reviews, and an occasional section of “Notes and Documents.” 


America: History and Life, America: History and Life with Full Text, Brepols, Ethnic Diversity Source, Historical Abstracts (Online), MLA International Bibliography, ProQuest, TOC Premier


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David Aliano
Associate Professor of Italian and History
College of Mount Saint Vincent

Associate Editor
Anthony Julian Tamburri
Dean, John D. Calandra Italian American Institute

Associate Editor
Fred Gardaphé
Distinguished Professor of English & Italian American Studies
Queens College

Editorial Director
Joseph Sciorra
Director for Academic and Cultural Programs
John D. Calandra Italian American Institute

Managing Editor
Rosangela Briscese
Assistant Director for Academic and Cultural Programs
John D. Calandra Italian American Institute

Assistant Editor
Siân Gibby
Communications Writer-Editor
John D. Calandra Italian American Institute

Book Review Editor
Robert Oppedisano
Independent Scholar

Exhibition Review Editor
Melissa Marinaro
Director, Italian American Program
Senator John Heinz History Center

Film and Digital Media Review Editor
Rebecca Bauman
Fashion Institute of Technology

Editorial Office
The John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, Queens College/CUNY
25 West 43rd Street, 17th Floor
New York, New York 10036
(212) 642-2095, Fax (212) 642-2030

Editorial Board

  • Marcella Bencivenni, Hostos Community College
  • Giorgio Bertellini, University of Michigan
  • Nancy C. Carnevale, Montclair State University
  • Donna Chirico, York College, CUNY
  • Simone Cinotto, University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo Campus
  • Donna Gabaccia, University of Toronto Scarborough
  • John Gennari, University of Vermont
  • Jennifer Guglielmo, Smith College
  • Nicholas Harney, University of Windsor
  • Stefano Luconi, Università degli Studi di Firenze
  • Loredana Polezzi, Stony Brook University
  • Laura E. Ruberto, Berkeley City College

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PDF Policy

PDFs are permitted and issued for the following:

  • Tenure dossier.
  • Special workshops the author is moderating.
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Angela Burton
Intellectual Property Manager


The Italian American Review (IAR) is accepting submissions of articles. Authors wishing to have an article manuscript considered for publication should email the following three items in Microsoft Word format as attachments to both the editor, David Aliano ( and the managing editor, Rosangela Briscese (

A copy of the manuscript, including page headers with the author's name throughout

A copy of the manuscript without any author identification--no title page, no header

An article abstract

Articles should be around twenty-five/thirty pages (6,250-8,000 words) in length, double-spaced, not including bibliography and endnotes. The IAR follows the 17th edition of The Chicago Manual of Style and uses the Chicago Style author-date system for citations, with authors' full names included in the Works Cited list. For example:

In-text citation: (Doniger 1999, 65)
Works Cited list: Doniger, Wendy. 1999. Splitting the difference. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Article manuscripts are acknowledged on receipt and are evaluated first by the IAR editor, and then, if appropriate for the IAR, unidentified manuscripts are sent to two qualified anonymous referees for review. Authors are notified as soon as a decision has been made to accept or reject a manuscript; rejection may be outright or with the possibility of revision and resubmission for a new evaluation. When a manuscript is submitted to the IAR, it should not have been published elsewhere nor be under consideration by any other journal.

The journal will occasionally feature a "Notes and Documents" section for shorter works such as biographical sketches, obituaries, reproductions of historical documents, etc. These items should generally be no more than six pages (1,500 words) in length.

About the Italian American Review: The IAR is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed journal about the history and culture of Italian Americans, as well as other aspects of the Italian diaspora. The journal embraces a wide range of professional concerns and theoretical orientations in the social sciences and in cultural studies, entertaining articles about such topics as migration, politics, labor, race and ethnicity, urban studies, gender studies, as well as various forms of cultural production (religious feasts, cinema, music, etc.), especially those addressing societal aspects. The IAR does not publish or review literary criticism or creative work such as poetry, fiction, or memoir.

The IAR is currently listed as a scientific publication by the Italian ANVUR (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca) and has achieved the status of "class A" for area studies A5 (Cultural, ethnic and anthropological studies) and C2 (Sociology). It is also listed in the MLA Directory of Periodicals. Full text of the IAR is available in EBSCO's America: History and Life database, and, starting in January 2020, full text will also be available on JSTOR.

Peer Review Policy:

Articles are submitted for double blind peer review. The submissions are first screened internally by our editorial team to ensure that the article is appropriate to be sent for peer review, if so, we then identify and contact two external scholars independent of the journal with expertise on the topic. Upon completion we compile the two peer review reports, and our editorial team will make a decision on the piece. They will then contact the author, providing the anonymous peer review reports as well as our editorial decision on publication.

Contact Info:
Editor David Aliano ( and the managing editor Rosangela Briscese (,

Contact Email:


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Featured Articles

Italian Immigrants, Whiteness, and Race: A Regional Perspective
Stefano Luconi

“I Tell Heem Nothing!”: Education and the Americanization of Italian Immigrants at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century
Cristina Stanciu

Interrogating the Myths of Education: Dorothy Bryant's Ella Price's Journal and Miss Giardino
Christa Baiada

Whites Only: Race and Mobility in Kym Ragusa's The Skin Between Us: A Memoir of Race, Beauty, and Belonging and Claudia Rankine's Citizen: An American Lyric
Mary Jo Bona

“Time Meant Nothing”: A New Reading of Pietro di Donato's Three Circles of Light beyond Autobiography and Stereotypes
Carla Francellini

From Divided to Diasporic: Re-envisioning Italian American Texts through Transformative Translingual Practices
Caroline Pari

Italians from Brazil and the Armed Conflicts of the Twentieth Century: Money and Men for the Italian Wars
João Fábio Bertonha

Reflections on Photography and Race in Kym Ragusa's The Skin Between Us
Joseph Tumolo

Fashion Films in the Newsreels of the Settimana INCOM, 1946–1953: Culture and Politics in a Transatlantic Context
Eugenia Paulicelli

Consuming Italian: Transatlantic Actors and Infrastructures of Italian Exports to Postwar America, 1957–1962
Giulia Crisanti

From Museum to Marketplace: Displaying the Italian Lifestyle
Paola Cordera

Ambassadors of Italy: Italian Transatlantic Ocean Liners to the United States, 1946–1958
Marta Averna

Before 1951: Setting Up the Network of G. B. Giorgini and the Launch of Made in Italy
Chiara Faggella

Curriculum, Archives, and the Digital Turn: The Italian American Experience and the Transnational Approach to Community-Based Learning
Eveljn Ferraro

Translated Italian Fiction in the United States, 1949–1972: Modernity, Modernism, and Literary Innovation
Giulia Pellizzato

Cheating Destiny? The Daughters and Mothers of Household Saints
Tina Chiappetta-Miller