The Pluralist
Official Journal of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy
The Pluralist is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the ends of philosophical thought and dialogue in all widely used philosophical methodologies, including non-Western methods and those of traditional cultures. The journal upholds the Socratic dictum of self-knowledge and the love of wisdom as the purpose of philosophy. It seeks to express philosophical insights and concerns humanely and with an eye to literary as well as philosophical excellence, but technical papers are welcome. The Pluralist is a forum for discussion of diverse philosophical standpoints and pluralism's merits. The Pluralist considers high-quality submissions on any philosophical topic written from any philosophical perspective. Articles that defend some type of pluralism, apply a pluralistic perspective to contemporary issues, or take a critical stance against pluralism are encouraged.
The Pluralist is the official journal of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy. In addition to research articles, The Pluralist also includes highlights from the SAAP annual meeting, Presidential addresses, Founders' addresses, and other Society-related information.

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Call for Papers
Special Issue of The Pluralist Dedicated to Richard J. Bernstein:
Reconsidering Pragmatism as a Living Movement
The Pluralist is calling for papers for a special issue dedicated to philosopher Richard J. Bernstein. We envision this special issue to honor the life and legacy of Bernstein through a continuation of his philosophical spirit and unfinished work.
In Spring 2022, Bernstein taught American Pragmatism for the last time. In the year leading up to his final semester, Bernstein said something shifted for him in the way he understood pragmatism. He was planning on writing about this shift in his thinking in an essay he would sometimes refer to as “Bernstein on Bernstein” or “Pragmatism Reconsidered.” While he did not have the chance to write the essay he had envisioned, he did articulate his thoughts throughout that final semester.
He wanted to rethink three key distortions which he thought were obscuring more rich engagements with pragmatism.
First, he was concerned with the tendency towards essentialist definitions of pragmatism which invite the question of who really counts as a pragmatist. While of course there are important themes that have emerged (e.g. anti-foundationalism, fallibilism, a kind of systematic rejection of Cartesianism, the meaning and failures of democracy, etc.) Bernstein felt there were no core set of commitments that one could say “this is what a pragmatist is.”
The second distortion he was concerned with was a sort of canonization that followed from these essentialist definitions. In understanding the ways in which pragmatism developed, he felt it was important to remember that much of its richness was in fact due to the lack of disciplinary boundaries in American universities at that time, and ongoing conversations with activists and intellectuals outside of academia. In particular, he felt that the canonization of pragmatism excluded the role of women and Black thinkers, and that in these areas we had to rethink what pragmatism was about, who it included, and look toward a deeper understanding of not only their intellectual, but also their social and political interests.
Finally, he wanted to recall the critical element to pragmatism that he felt Dewey was so sensitive in defending. Dewey thought the Europeans had misinterpreted pragmatism as a glorification of America, rather than what he felt it was—a kind of ultimate critique of America, where critique is based on a kind of understanding.
To be clear, on Bernstein’s definition, reconsidering pragmatism is not a simple expansion of the canon or an exercise in who should or should not count as a pragmatist. Rather it is something different altogether—to see if we can understand pragmatism not as a cannon at all, but rather as a living, evolving movement. Reconsidering pragmatism should be understood as a renewed pragmatist commitment to challenging disciplinary boundaries, challenging our assumptions, continued learning, growth, and to keep trying to find and create new ways to move forward.
We invite those who are interested in reconsidering pragmatism along the lines that Bernstein envisioned / articulated to submit essays for consideration to be published in this special issue of The Pluralist. We are particularly looking for submissions that speak to one (or more) of the following lines of inquiry:
- Historical essays, reconsidering entrenched narratives to bring in previously overlooked voices, movements, or thinkers from outside of philosophy or academia
- Contemporary applications or uptake of pragmatic themes by socio-political movements
- Reconsidering the philosophical implications of understanding pragmatism not as a cannon but as a living, evolving movement
We also welcome papers that engage directly with any of Bernstein’s works.
Submission Guidelines
Essays of 4,000-6,000 words are preferred, although longer papers will be considered. Please include an abstract of 250-300 words at the top of your submission.
Email to tara.mastrelli@stonybrook.edu.
Deadline: May 15, 2024
Roger Ward
Philosophy Department
Georgetown College
400 East College Street
30 Pawling Hall
Georgetown, KY 40324
Associate Editor
Sunny Heenen
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Book Review Editor
Aaron P. Shepherd
Department of Philosophy
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Lowell, MA 01854
Editorial Board
- Douglas Anderson, University of North Texas
- Richard Beauchamp, Christopher Newport University
- Nancy Cartwright, University of California, San Diego and London School of Economics
- John B. Cobb, Jr., Claremont Graduate University
- Ralph D. Ellis, Clark Atlanta University
- Nancy Frankenberry, Dartmouth College
- Pete A. Y. Gunter, University of North Texas
- Richard E. Hart, Bloomfield College
- Hans Joas, University of Chicago & Universität Erfurt
- Will Kymlicka, Queen’s University
- John Lachs, Vanderbilt University
- Lorraine Landry, Oklahoma State University
- James McLachlan, Western Carolina University
- Sandra D. Mitchell, University of Pittsburgh
- Robert C. Neville, Boston University
- Lucius Outlaw, Vanderbilt University
- Richard Prust, St. Andrews Presbyterian College
- Eric Reitan, Oklahoma State University
- Nicholas Rescher, University of Pittsburgh
- Michael Slote, University of Miami
- Kenneth Stikkers, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
- Mark Timmons, University of Arizona
- Donald Philip Verene, Emory University
PDF Policy
PDFs are permitted and issued for the following:
- Tenure dossier.
- Special workshops the author is moderating.
- Other requests to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- All PDFs will include a statement of copyright and a provision that the articles will not be photocopied, distributed, or used for purposes other than the terms agreed to by UIP.
- University repositories; UIP requires a publication statement to be posted along with the preprint.
- Some journals have their own established policies and procedures for preprints. Please be sure to first check their respective Web sites before sending your request.
- Non-profit archives and repositories; Articles must be at least one year old. UIP requires a publication statement to be posted along with the postprint and a link back to the journal of publication's home page on the UIP website.
- Personal and commercial Web sites; Articles must be at least three years old. UIP requires a publication statement to be posted along with the postprint and a link back to the journal of publication's home page on the UIP website.
Please send all requests to:
Angela Burton
Intellectual Property Manager
The Pluralist
Submission of a manuscript to The Pluralist is understood to imply that the paper is original, it has not already been published in whole or in substantial part elsewhere, and is not currently under consideration by any other journal. Article lengths of 6,000 to 12,000 words are preferred, although longer papers will be considered. Discussion pieces, essay-length reviews, and book reviews may also be submitted. Before submitting a review, please contact Roger Ward, Editor.
A submission must omit self-identifying information to allow for double-blind review. An abstract of 100 words should be placed at the start of the paper. Citations should follow the MLA Handbook, 8th edition. No auto-formatting of notes should be used; all notes will be endnotes listed in numerical order at the end as part of the regular text. All text, including notes and extracted material (quotations, formulae), must be in 12-pt font and double-spaced. All pages must be numbered and have margins of at least one inch on all sides.
Photographs or illustrations should be numbered and sent as separate “supplementary files” in the online upload system, with the desired location clearly indicated in the main text. All photos and illustrations should be submitted as separate TIFF image files with image quality of at least 300 dpi. These should be accompanied by captions, credit lines, and secured permission(s) for reprint, and their desired location should be clearly indicated in the main text.
Articles should be submitted electronically to the Pluralist online manuscript submission system. This secure, personalized resource will allow you to track your manuscript through each step of the submission, review, and acceptance process. To begin, click below to set up your personal account and upload your submission. Your transmitted material will be reviewed as soon as possible.
Articles accepted for publication will be adjusted by editors to conform to University of Illinois Press formatting and returned to authors for proofreading. Upon publication, authors receive one copy of that issue of The Pluralist.
Featured Articles
Jazz and Philosophical Contrapunteo: Philosophies of La Vida in the Americas on Behalf of Radical Democracy
Gregory Fernando Pappas
Transformative Hospitality: A Pragmatist-Feminist Perspective of Radical Welcome as Resistance
Tess Varner
Spirits and the Limits of Pragmatism: A Response to "Against Discursive Colonialism"
Scott L. Pratt
Introduction to the Symposium
Kevin J. Harrelson
Penning Dissent: The Methodological and Historiographic Motivations behind the Writing of Another white Man's Burden
Tommy J. Curry
The Good Royce and the Bad Royce, Or, Is Saving Royce from Himself Worth It?
Dwayne A. Tunstall
Personal Reflections on Studying Royce after Curry
Daniel J. Brunson
White Imagination in Search of a Canon
Kevin J. Harrelson
Is Royce's Philosophy of Loyalty Another white Man's Burden?
Myron Moses Jackson
Hayti Was the Measure: Anti-Black Racism and the Echoes of Empire in Josiah Royce's Philosophy of Loyalty
Tommy J. Curry
Some Comments on Roger Ward's Peirce and Religion
Michael L. Raposa
Ward's Teleological Suspension of Philosophy in Peirce and Religion
Dwayne A. Tunstall
For Love of the Game: Pragmatism and the Right to Play with Heterodoxy
Benjamin J. Chicka
Response to Tunstall, Chicka, and Raposa
Roger Ward
Florence Kelley: Pragmatist, Feminist, Socialist
Judy D. Whipps
Decolonial Movidas: María Lugones's Notion of Decolonial Aesthesis through Cosmologies
Denise Meda Calderon
Sodalism as Open Worldview: Conspiring to Dismantle the White Franchise
Sunny Heenen
(Mis)Trust and Pragmatism as Grounded Normativity
Scott L. Pratt
James and Waismann on Temperament in Philosophy
John Capps
Art as Occupations: Two Neglected Roots of John Dewey's Aesthetics
Fabio Campeotto, Juan Manuel Saharrea, Claudio Marcelo Viale
Forms of Life and Cultural Endowments
Victor Peterson II
Affective Foundation of Society in Nietzsche's Philosophy
Jihun Jeong
The Dramatization of Absolute Idealism: Gabriel Marcel and F. H. Bradley
Joseph Gamache
Casting a Vote for Subordination Using a Slur
Duckkyun Lee
Collective Regret and Guilt and Heroic Agency: A Pro-Existential Approach
Ionut Untea
The Evolution of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy
James Campbell
Hope and Despair in the Political Thought of David Walker
Philip Yaure
Anger in a Perilous Environment: María Lugones
Mariana Alessandri
A Unique Response to Death: Day of the Dead Fiestas and Communal Articulations of Resistance
Denise Meda-Lambru
Radical Democracy: John Dewey and Angela Y. Davis on Pluralism and Prisons
Amanda Dubrule
John Dewey's Objective Semiotics: Existence, Significance, and Intelligence
Joseph Dillabough
Malcolm X and Black Nationality—from Separation to Human Rights
Sefi Josef Kuperman
Becoming a Nepantla-Spider: Rethinking Interculturalism
Layla Y. Mayorga
John Dewey and India: Expanding the John Dewey-Bhimrao Ambedkar Story
Scott R. Stroud
A Periodic Table for Peirce's Sixty-Six Classes of Signs
Vinicius Romanini
The True Purpose of Religion in a Processive Naturalistic Universe
J. Edward Hackett
Resonance and Response: Dewey, Merleau-Ponty, and Ecological Ethics
Matthew Williams-Wyant
Flesh in Public: Eros and Political Transformation
Bethany Henning
Experiencing Assistive Technology: A Pragmatist Inflection for Occupational Therapy
Nate Whelan-Jackson