Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society

Editor: Robert D. Sampson


Current Volume: 118 (2025)
Issued quarterly (Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter)
ISSN: 1522-1067
eISSN: 2328-3335


The Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society (JISHS), established in 1908, is the scholarly publication of the Illinois State Historical Society, a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to preserving, promoting, and publishing the latest research about the Prairie State. The peer-reviewed Journal welcomes articles, essays, and documents about history, literature, art, technology, law, and other subjects related to Illinois and the Midwest.

Read the Harry E. Pratt Award for Outstanding Article winners:


America: History and Life, Brepols, Current Abstracts, Dietrich's Index Philosophicus, Gale Academic OneFile, Gale OneFile: US History, Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur, Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes - und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur, MasterFILE Complete, MLA International Bibliography, Periodicals Index Online, ProQuest 5000, ProQuest Central, PubMed, Research Library, RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale), TOC Premier


Publications included in ISHS membership are the Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society and the Society's popular magazine, Illinois Heritage. The ISHS membership period is from January 1 through December 31.

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Robert D. Sampson
Retired, Millikin University, Decatur

Contributing Editor
William Furry
Illinois State Historical Society, Springfield
PO Box 1800
Springfield, IL 62705-1800

Book Review Editor
Aaron Lisec
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

Special Projects Editor
Timothy D. Draper
Waubonsee Community College, Sugar Grove

Editorial Advisory Board

  • Jenny Barker-Devine, Illinois College, Jackson
  • Robert I. Girardi, Civil War Round Table, Company of Military Historians, Chicago
  • Greg Hall, Western Illinois University, Macomb
  • Kristin Hoganson, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
  • Robert D. Johnston, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Theodore J. Karamanski, Loyola University Chicago
  • Ann Durkin Keating, North Central College, Naperville
  • Bonnie Laughlin-Schultz, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston
  • Arthur Martin, Jenner & Block, LLP, Chicago
  • Robert McColley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Eileen McMahon, Lewis University, Romeoville
  • Dominic Pacyga, Columbia College, Chicago
  • Robert Paulett, Southern Illinois University, Eswardsville
  • Shirley J. Portwood, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
  • Barbara Posadas, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb
  • Debra Reid, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston
  • Amy Tyson, Depaul University, Chicago


Executive Director
William Furry 

Office Manager
Mary Lou Johnsrud

Administrative Assistant
Kimberly Jones

PDF Policy

PDFs are permitted and issued for the following:

  • Tenure dossier.
  • Special workshops the author is moderating.
  • Other requests to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
  • All PDFs will include a statement of copyright and a provision that the articles will not be photocopied, distributed, or used for purposes other than the terms agreed to by UIP.

Preprints are permitted for:

  • University repositories; UIP requires a publication statement to be posted along with the preprint.
  • Some journals have their own established policies and procedures for preprints. Please be sure to first check their respective Web sites before sending your request.

Postprints are permitted for:

  • Non-profit archives and repositories; Articles must be at least one year old. UIP requires a publication statement to be posted along with the postprint and a link back to the journal of publication's home page on the UIP website.
  • Personal and commercial Web sites; Articles must be at least three years old. UIP requires a publication statement to be posted along with the postprint and a link back to the journal of publication's home page on the UIP website.

Please contact the Intellectual Property Manager for more information.

Please send all requests to:

Angela Burton
Intellectual Property Manager


We welcome essays, articles, and documents about Illinois, or its Midwest region. Studies about literature, art, technology, law, or other subjects are also welcome.

Authors should follow The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. (University of Chicago Press) or imitate notes in this journal; use endnotes. Authors who desire illustrations should provide them; authors are solely responsible for obtaining any rights or permissions to reproduce. Articles average 12,000 words (including notes) but we have accepted articles from 4,000 to 15,000 words.

Authors desiring to submit original articles for publication consideration may send an electronic copy (in .doc or .docx format) to Robert D. Sampson, Editor, JISHS, by email to

Send books for review to Aaron Lisec, Book Review Editor, JISHS; Special Collections Research Center, Morris Library, Mai Code 6632, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901; email:

Articles appearing in the Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society are abstracted and indexed in both Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life. The Journal is a member of the Conference of Historical Journals.

Neither the editors nor the Illinois State Historical Society assume any responsibility for statements, whether of fact or opinion, made by contributors. 

Peer Review Policy

Submissions to the Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society follow this procedure:

  1. Identities of both reader and author (s) are not shared with either party. The reader receives an article with the author’s name removed. The reader’s report to the editor of the Journal, when forwarded to the author, does not include the reader’s name. It is a double-blind process.
  2. Readers are selected based on their expertise and experience in the field addressed in the submission. Readers are primarily academics though some are lay historians who have expertise or are published authors in the field.
  3. While some readers are members of the Journal’s editorial advisory board such duties ARE NOT part of their role on the board. Members of the advisory board primarily oversee the Journal through regular reports from the editor and their own observations. The board is, as indicated by name, a group that offers advice and guidance on the Journal’s overall mission and conduct. Most readers do not serve on the advisory board and have no direct connection with the Journal.
  4. The editor may not forward a submission to a reader if the submission fails to meet Journal standards.
  5. The Journal has compiled a list of readers by topics, regions, and period of history. The editor uses this list to select potential readers for a submission.
  6. Readers, as noted above, are selected for their expertise and experience in each field or topic. They are not reimbursed for their work. They submit a detailed report, including criticisms and suggestions for improvements and one of three recommendations: 1. Publish without revision; 2. Publish only with revisions (ranging from minor to significant); and 3. Do not publish.

View our Publications Ethics and Malpractice Statement


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A Missed Opportunity in the Catholic War on Poverty: Chicago's Archdiocesan Inter-Parish Movement
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The Civil War Letters of Dr. Daniel Garrison Brinton, Surgeon in Charge at the US Army General Hospital in Quincy
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Skokie as Sanctuary: Holocaust Survivor Leadership at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center
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Early Civil War Camp Butler and William Tecumseh Sherman: Persistence of a False Narrative
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A President Visits East St. Louis: The Racialized Politics of Market Talk, Enterprise Zones, and Abandonment, 1980–2010
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When Cinderella Ran the Show: Bertha Duppler Baur in Chicago
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Putting New Wine in Old Wineskins: The Origins of the Founding Curriculum of the University of Illinois
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Illinois Bound: The Orphan Trains of the New York Juvenile Asylum
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Slide Rules: Adults and Children on Chicago Playgrounds
Cate LiaBraaten (Free to access through 11/30/23)

Property and Racial Exclusion in Illinois: Patterns and Practices from Colonial Slavery to Suburban Marginalization, 1720s–2010s
Caroline M. Kisiel; Brian J. Miller

African Americans, Africans, and Antiracism at Chicago's Columbian Exposition of 1893
Jacob S. Dorman

Fighting to be Illini: Title IX, Women's Basketball, and the Struggle for Gender Equity at the University of Illinois
Connor M. Barnes

The Crucible: Rock ’n’ Roll in the Windy City, 1945–1963
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The Gillham Abduction Story: Constructing an Alternative Narrative
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Interview with Megan VanGorder
Timothy Dean Draper

The 1937 Sit-Down Strike at Fansteel Metallurgical Corporation and Conservative Backlash Politics during the New Deal Era
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National Ambitions, Local Realities: Catholic Laywomen and the East St. Louis National Catholic Community House
Jeanne Petit

Production and Labor at the Gallatin County Salines, 1803–1850
James M. Cornelius

“Oil Can Eddie” and the Battle for the Steelworkers’ Union
Roger Biles; Mark Rose

The Extraordinary 1838 Stuart-Douglas Congressional Race
Terence Esvelt

The Journal in 1914—A Retrospective
Timothy Dean Draper; Emrys M. K. Draper

Alvin H. Caldwell and the Madame C. J. Walker Grade School: The Success of African American Children in a One-Room Schoolhouse, Joppa, Illinois, 1919–1955
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On the Brink of Slavery and Freedom: Two Hundred Years After the 1823–1824 Illinois Constitutional Convention Controversy
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“Along the Great Throughfares”: Irish Rural Settlement in the Upper Mississippi Valley, 1830–1860
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OA Content

Slide Rules: Adults and Children on Chicago Playgrounds
Cate LiaBraaten (Free to access through 11/30/23)