Journal of Finnish Studies
The Journal of Finnish Studies, founded in 1997, is an international, scholarly, interdisciplinary journal that brings research about Finnish topics to an English-language audience. The Journal aims to foster a deeper understanding of the rich cultural, historical, social and political heritage of the lands and people that make up the Republic of Finland today, along with Finland’s global impact and relations with other parts of the world, including the wider Nordic region and North America. Readers and authors of the Journal are members of diverse fields such as history, anthropology, folklore, literature, linguistics, political science, sociology, business, and more. Each article brings its own discipline-specific methodologies and theories and is refereed by scholars who are specialists in that discipline, thereby enriching the journal’s coverage.
The Journal welcomes research articles that delve into Finnish culture, history, politics, economy, education, arts, literature, linguistics, folklore, migration, and related subjects. Topics related to Finnish migration to and from North America are welcomed. Discussion of Finnish, Swedish, and Sámi topics are expected to make use of and contribute to scholarship in those languages. Quotations appear in the source’s original language as well as in English translation. The Journal also publishes book reviews of titles relevant to the field of Finnish studies, including works published in Finland.
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Thomas A. DuBois
University of Wisconsin, Madison
1220 Linden Drive
Madison WI 53706 USA
Book Review Editor
Lotta Weckström, Lecturer
University of California, Berkeley
- Börje Vähämäki, Founding Editor, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto
- Aili Flint, Emerita Senior Lecturer, Associate Research Scholar, Columbia University
- Tim Frandy, Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia
- Daniel Grimley, Professor, Oxford University
- Daniel K. Haataja, Associate Professor, University of Umeå
- Helena Halmari, Professor, Sam Houston State University
- Titus Hjelm, Associate Professor, University of Helsinki
- Scott Kaukonen, Associate Professor, Sam Houston State University
- Johanna Laakso, Professor, University of Vienna
- Jason Lavery, Professor, Oklahoma State University
- James P. Leary, Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Andrew Nestingen, Professor, University of Washington, Seattle
- Jyrki Nummi, Professor Emeritus, University of Helsinki
- Jussi Nuorteva, Director General, The National Archives of Finland
- Juha Pentikäinen, Professor Emeritus, University of Helsinki
- Oiva Saarinen, Professor Emeritus, Laurentian University, Sudbury
- Hanna Snellman, Professor and Vice-Rector, University of Helsinki
- Victoria Stewart, Assistant Director, Wayne State University Humanities Center
- Beth L. Virtanen, Professor and Curricular Lead, American InterContinental University System, Online Division
- Marianne Wargelin, Independent Scholar, Minneapolis
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- Non-profit archives and repositories; Articles must be at least one year old. UIP requires a publication statement to be posted along with the postprint and a link back to the journal of publication's home page on the UIP website.
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Angela Burton
Intellectual Property Manager
Submission Guidelines
The Journal of Finnish Studies (JFS) follows the Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition), author-date references conventions.
Footnotes: In-text notes are in the form of footnotes at the bottom of the page in which the note is inserted for the convenience of readers. Footnotes should be used sparingly.
Pagination: Although submissions are not required to be paginated by the author, if this is most convenient, please place page numbers in the center bottom position of each page.
Articles should be submitted electronically to the JFS online manuscript submission system. This secure, personalized resource will allow you to track your manuscript through the review and acceptance process. To begin, click below to set up your personal account and upload your submission. Your transmitted material will be reviewed as soon as possible.
In-Text Citations
In-text citations are parenthetical including author’s surname, year of publication, and, if necessary, page number(s). Reference to page number(s) is required if the citation includes quoted material.
(Leary 2009)
(Leary 2009, 135–41)
(Leary 2009, 100–109)
These works are then fully cited in a reference section at the end of the paper.
In Chicago author-date format, headline-style capitalization is used for English-language publications. In the case of non-English language publications, sentence-style capitalization will be retained.
Book, Headline-Style Capitalization
Sarhimaa, Anneli. 1999. Syntactic Transfer, Contact-Induced Change, and the Evolution of Bilingual Mixed Codes. Helsinki: SKS.
Book, Sentence-Style Capitalization
Rentola, Kimmo. 1994. Kenen joukoissa seisot? Suomalainen kommunismi ja sota 1937–1945 [With whom do you stand? Finnish communism and war in 1937–1945]. Juva, Finland: WSOY.
Chapter or Article in a Book
Autio-Sarasmo, Sari. 2006. “Soviet Economic Modernisation and Transferring Technologies from the West.” In Modernisation and Russian Society in the 20th Century, edited by Markku Kangaspuro and Jeremy Smith, 104–23. Studia Fennica Historica 12. Helsinki: SKS.
Book with Multiple Authors
Ward, Geoffrey C., and Ken Burns. 2007. The War: An Intimate History, 1941–1945. New York: Knopf.
Book with Translated Title
Sevander, Mayme. 2006. Skitaltsy: O sud'bakh amerikanskikh finnov v Karelii [Wanderers: About the fates of American Finns in the Soviet Karelia]. Petrozavodsk: Petrozavodsk State University Press.
Academic Journals, Single Author, Headline-Style Capitalization
DuBois, Thomas A. 2004. “Writing of Women, Not Nations: The Development of a Feminist Agenda in the Novellas of Aino Kallas.” Scandinavian Studies 76: 205–32.
Academic Journals, Single Author, Sentence-Style Capitalization
Launis, Kati. 2011. “Muistoja marginaalista: Luokka-Suomen varhainen tekijä Esa Paavo- Kallio” [Notes from the margin: Esa Paavo-Kallio and the early shaping of class in Finland]. Kulttuurintutkimus 28 (2): 19–32.
Journals Consulted Online
For citations of journals consulted online, Chicago recommends the inclusion of a DOI or a URL; the DOI is preferred to a URL. Note that DOI, so capitalized when mentioned in running text, is lower-cased and followed by a colon (with no space after) in source citations:
Novak, William J. 2008. “The Myth of the ‘Weak’ American State.” American Historical Review 113: 752–72. doi:10.1086/ahr.113.3.752.
Pezzanis, Juha. 1923. “How the Wobs Did It in Aberdeen.” Industrial Worker, May 5, 4.
Niemelä, Juha. 2003. Finnish American songs [online publication]. Siirtolaisuusinstituutti Website. http://www.migrationinstitute.fi/articles/062_Niemela.pdf.
Saxberg, Kelly. 2004. Letters from Karelia [documentary film]. Ottawa: National Film Board of Canada.
Conference Presentations
Anttikoski, Esa. 1996. “The problem of the Karelian literary language in the 1930s and the 1990s.” Conference paper presented at Sociolinguistic Problems in Different Regions of the World, October 22–24. Moscow.
Archival Materials
The following general formula for archival material citation is used:
Author. Date. Title or archive’s description of item. (Genre of item). Title of Archival Collection. Archival Call Number. City and State/Country: Name of Archive.
Some examples are as follows:
Similä, Kusti. 1938. “Yli kymmenen vuotta Korpiinissa oli jo asuttu” [Over ten years we have lived in Corbin already]. (Disc audio recording). Recorded September 28. Alan Lomax Collection of Michigan and Wisconsin Recordings. AFS 2393. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, American Folklife Center, Archive of Folk Culture.
Lomax, Alan. 1938. (Field Notebook). Alan Lomax Collection of Michigan and Wisconsin Recordings. AFC 1939/007. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, American Folklife Center, Archive of Folk Culture.
Authors are welcome to submit visual materials for consideration with their articles. Unless prior arrangements have been made, visual materials will be published in black-and-white (halftone), and so authors must plan for this when including such materials. Authors should submit all graphics files separately from the text. Preferred formats include JPG and PNG. Please do not embed the files in your Microsoft Word document, for example. However, indicate in the text where the visual material should approximately appear (e.g., “TABLE 1 APPROXIMATELY HERE”). All images (photographs, etc.) must be of a resolution of 300 pixels or higher. Photograph submissions must be accompanied by written permission of the copyright holder, and, if known, the photographer’s name must be mentioned. All visual materials must have text captions. Reference must be made to charts and tables in the text.
When including original text in languages other than English, please provide the original text first with the English translation to follow, as opposed to arranging each language side-by- side in two columns. In a footnote, indicate who made the translation.
When submitting a book, CD, exhibition, or other media review, available information may vary greatly. Here are some examples of preferred format:
Joyce E. Hakala. The Rowan Tree: The Lifework of Marjorie Edgar, Girl Scout Pioneer and Folklorist, with Her Finnish Folk Song Collection “Songs from Metsola.” 2007. St. Paul, MN: Pikebone Music. xviii + 345 pp., illustrations, appendices, notes, picture sources, bibliography, index.
J. Karjalainen. Lännen-Jukka: Amerikansuomalaisia Lauluja/Finnish-American Folksongs. [Compact Disc]. 2006. Tampere: Jukan Productions Oy / Poko Records Oy. 39:38 min.
• Use American English spellings throughout: e.g., recognize (not recognise).
• Use the so-called Oxford comma: e.g., Kuusi, Bosley, and Branch (not Kuusi, Bosley and Branch).
• Alphabetize the list of references according to English (not Finnish) conventions. Ignore diacritic marks (e.g., umlauts) when alphabetizing: e.g., Granö comes before Granow.
• Non-native speakers of English should have their manuscripts proofed by a native speaker before submission. The submissions with multiple deviations from good and idiomatic academic English will be returned for revision before being considered for publication.
• There is no predetermined length requirement for article submissions. The manuscripts are typically 15–20 typed pages (US) or 50,000 characters with spaces.
This journal uses double-blind peer review with 2 external reviewers.
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Featured Articles
Aurore Karamzin as Intermediary between Russia and Finland
Tryggve Gestrin; Märtha Norrback
Hic et Ubique: The Russian Life and Finnish Times of Cultural Ambassador Yakov Grot in the 1840s and 1850s
Liisa Byckling
Portraying the Local Life? Gendarme Control in the Grand Duchy of Finland and the Gendarme Reports from the “Periphery,” 1866–1881
Marina Zagora
Informing as National Indifference? The Case of Finnish Citizens’ Collaboration with the Russian Authorities, 1899–1917
Sami Suodenjoki
Peddling and Politics: Russian Itinerant Traders in the Russo-Finnish Conflict, 1899–1900
Johanna Wassholm
Finnish or Finnish American Food? A Comparison of Food Cultures among Finnish Americans in Florida, Minnesota, Michigan, and Washington
Tuomas Hovi; Laura Kihlström
Finnish Teachers’ Views on their Pupils’ Writing Challenges
Johanna Pentikäinen
Supporting Immigrants’ Employability? Experiences in Digital Pedagogy Applied with Immigrant Learners in Turku in Southwest Finland
Elli Heikkilä; Saara Linnatsalo; Sari Vanhanen
Constructing Ethnic and National Belonging: Ingrian Finnishness in a Museum Exhibition
Nika Potinkara
The Kalevala and the Literary Archetype of the Hardworking Finnish American
Alana Kosklin
Carina Karlsson's Märket as “Glocal” Literature
Susan C. Brantly
Spiderwebs of Mental Gum Arabic: The Modernist Machines of Elmer Diktonius
Benjamin Mier-Cruz
Ålanders Knowing Finnish: A Necessity or a Threat to Autonomy? The Ålandic Language Debate of 1968
Ida Scherman
The Phenomenon of Using Examples in Conflict/Peace Contexts: The “Åland Example” Seen through the Lens of Diffusion
Susann Simolin
Åland, the Swedish People's Party, and the European Union: The Beginning of a Complicated Relationship
Hasan Akintug
A Successful Structure for Short Sales Pitches: Insights from a Finnish Pitching Competition
Jonna Koponen; Mari Polvinen; Eevastiina Vasanen; Pekka Isotalus
Bear and Sun Symbols in the Drum Landscapes of Sámi Artists Peter Armstrand and Elli-Maaret Helander
Francis Joy
Psychopathy in the Dramas of Minna Canth: The Cases of Mikko and Sylvi
Rose Thomas
Making the Foreign Feel Familiar: Examining a Wisconsin Living History Farm's Performance of Finnish Immigrant Heritage
Jared L. Schmidt
The Appeal of Seventeenth-Century Famines for Contemporary Metal Bands: A Comparison Between Hiidenhauta's 1695 (2018) and Insomnium's Anno 1696 (2023)
Charlotte Doesburg