Connecticut History Review

Editor: Thomas J. Balcerski


Current Volume: 63 (2024)
Issued biannually (Spring and Fall)
ISSN: 0884-7177
eISSN: 2639-5991


The only academic journal devoted to the history of Connecticut.

The Connecticut History Review is a publication of the Association for the Study of Connecticut History (ASCH). The journal publishes twice annually, in the spring and fall. The journal serves many different constituencies: museum and historical society professionals, academic scholars, history buffs, graduate students, and educators. Each issue of the Connecticut History Review contains original research articles, book reviews, and research notes on the history and culture of Connecticut.

ISSN: 0884-7177 | eISSN: 2639-5991


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Call for Papers

1776 in Connecticut

Calling for articles, “from the archives,” and “research notes” on any aspect of 1776 in Connecticut for the sestercentennial in 2026. Connecticut History Review examines 1776 from a broad perspective. Analysis may include but is not limited to:

  • Memory of other 1776 centennials.

  • Accounts from the American Revolution.

  • Curriculum on freedom and Independence in today's classroom.

  • The evolving understanding of Independence and the Revolution in Connecticut.

  • Analysis of “Still Revolutionary.”

  • Gendered understanding of independence, revolution, freedom.

  • Racial implications of celebrations of 1776.

  • And more.

Submissions must follow Connecticut History Review guidelines and be submitted to the editor at by December 31, 2024.


Thomas J. Balcerski

Associate Editor - Book Reviews
Peter C. Baldwin, University of Connecticut

Editorial Office
The Center for Connecticut Studies,
Eastern Connecticut State University,
83 Windham St,
Willimantic, CT 06226

Editorial Board

  • Marie Basile McDaniel, Southern Connecticut State University
  • Daisha Brahbm, Yale University
  • Cecilia Bucki, Fairfield University
  • Peter C. Baldwin, University of Connecticut
  • Katherine A. Hermes, Connecticut Explored
  • Eugene Leach, Trinity College
  • Kelly Marino, Sacred Heart University
  • Walter Woodward, University of Connecticut

The Association for the Study of Connecticut History

    Allison Norrie, Fairfield Warde High School (2023)

    Vice President and Treasurer
    Jeffrey O’Leary, Mitchell College (2023)


    • Carl Antonucci, Central Connecticut State University (2023)
    • Eugene Leach, Trinity College (2023)
    • Nancy Steenburg, University of Connecticut (2023)
    • Sally Whipple, Connecticut’s Old State House (2023)
    • Stephen Armstrong, Connecticut Department of Education (Past President)


    PDF Policy

    Below are the permissions policies for PDFs, preprints, and postprints of articles printed in the Connecticut History Review

    PDFs are permitted and issued for the following:

    • Tenure dossier.
    • Special workshops the author is moderating.
    • Other requests to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
    • All PDFs will include a statement of copyright and a provision that the articles will not be photocopied, distributed, or used for purposes other than the terms agreed to by UIP.

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    • Gated university repositories (usership restricted to members of the university community); UIP requires a publication statement to be posted along with the preprint.
    • Personal use (not including any online posting or pr).

    Postprints are permitted only for:

    • Gated university repositories (usership restricted to members of the university community); UIP requires a publication statement to be posted along with the preprint.
    • Personal use (not including any online posting).

    Please contact the Intellectual Property Manager for more information.

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    Intellectual Property Manager



    Connecticut History Review, a continuation of Connecticut History, is a publication of the Association for the Study of Connecticut History (ASCH), and appears twice annually, in the spring and fall. The journal is produced in cooperation with the University of Connecticut and receives financial support from the University of Connecticut. All authors desiring to submit original articles for publication consideration in Connecticut History Review may send an electronic copy of the proposed article (in .doc or .docx format) to the editor-in-chief. The author’s name should not appear on the submission itself. All articles and other submissions should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed., utilizing footnotes; seethe Style Sheet posted on the ASCH website []. Please provide both email and USPS mail addresses so that the editorial office may contact you regarding the receipt and possible acceptance of the proposed article. Articles and essays submitted to Connecticut History Review should not be submitted to any other publication while under consideration.

    Thomas J. Balcerski, Editor


    Publishers and individual authors may submit a copy of relevant books to:

    Professor Peter Baldwin, Book Review Editor

    History Department

    University of Connecticut

    241 Glenbrook Rd., U-4103

    Storrs, CT 06269

    Peer Review Policy 

    Any submitted manuscript is immediately recorded in a database and then stripped of identifying markers. It is then read internally (by the editor and the editorial assistant) for its potential suitability for the journal and to make judgements on good peer reviewers. If it is potentially suitable it goes to two peer reviewers. Those peer reviewers do not know any identifying information about the author, nor do they know the other reviewer. All articles have at least one reviewer who is external to the journal (not involved in the journal's editorial management). Reviewers are asked to give constructive feedback and make a suggestion of accept, accept with minor revisions, revise and resubmit, reject. Book and exhibit reviews do not have additionally reviews outside of editorial staff and From the Archives/Research Notes pieces are usually only assigned one reviewer.

    View our Publications Ethics and Malpractice Statement


    Featured Articles

    From the Editor's Desk
    Robert J. Imholt

    The Association for the Study of Connecticut History: A Memoir
    John F. Malsbenden

    New Haven's Sacrifice: Regional Politics and the Anatomy of Restoration New England
    Neal Dugre

    Isaac Doolittle: The First Yankee
    Neil C. Olsen

    Alyse Gregory: Finding her “Voice” through Woman's Suffrage
    Kathleen Motes Bennewitz

    From the State Archives
    Lizette Pelletier

    The Year in Review
    Rebecca Taber-Conover

    He Lived History Every Day: Christopher “Kit” Collier (1930–2020)
    Walter W. Woodward

    The Genius of Connecticut: A Mistaken History
    Matthew Warshauer

    New Deal Labor Militancy in a Connecticut Industrial Village: The Somersville Manufacturing Company 1934–1942
    Alan J. Simon

    The 1948 Letters to Italy Campaign: International Politics, Local Politics and the Catholic Church in Connecticut
    Carl A. Antonucci

    Urban Renewal in a New England Mill Town: Willimantic's Puerto Rican Community and Redevelopment
    Anna D. Jaroszyńska-Kirchmann

    John Hyde Preston: Lost Writer of 1930s Connecticut
    Richard Lenzi

    Attention to Place: Fundamentals and Practices for Place-Conscious Teaching in Higher Education
    Jeffrey F. L. Partridge

    Lucy Sheldon's Music Books and Student Artifacts: A Cultural Glance at Litchfield Female Academy and Nineteenth-Century Litchfield, Connecticut
    Jewel A. Smith

    General Affections: Griffin Alexander Stedman and Romantic Friendships During the Civil War
    Stephen Arel-Klein

    Congressman Kopplemann's Constituents and the Spanish Civil War
    Tyler L. Wolanin

    The Veterans History Project at Central Connecticut State University
    Jillian Maynard

    Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas
    Rebecca Taber

    Price of Service: The Economic and Political Conditions that Compelled Danbury and Connecticut's Bonuseers of 1932
    Brian Stevens

    Yale and the Forgotten War: An American University's Response to the Korean War
    Andrew Song

    Profile of a Loyalist, Edward Jones
    Michael Treadwell

    Consider the Birds: When Bipartisanship Took Flight
    Will McLean Greeley