American Music
A quarterly journal devoted to all aspects of American music and music in America
American Music is an independent, peer-reviewed journal published quarterly by the University of Illinois Press. Its articles, reviews, and special issues are devoted to American music in the broadest sense, including musical practices of North, South, and Central America as well as American musics performed anywhere in the world.
Academic ASAP, Academic Search Alumni Edition, Academic Search Complete, Academic Search Elite, Academic Search Premier, Academic Search Ultimate, Advanced Placement Fine Arts and Music, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Arts Premium Collection, Biography in Context, Book Review Digest Plus (H.W. Wilson), Brepols, Current Abstracts, Current Contents, Dietrich's Index Philosophicus, Fine Arts and Music Collection, Gale Academic OneFile, Gale Academic OneFile Select, Gale General OneFile, Gale in Context: Bibliography, Gale in Context: US History, Gale Literature: Book Review Index, Gale OneFile: Fine Arts, Gale OneFile: Popular Magazines, Humanities Abstracts, Humanities Abstracts (H.W. Wilson), Humanities Full Text, Humanities Index, Humanities Index (Online), Humanities International Complete, Humanities International Index, Humanities Source, Humanities Source Ultimate, IBZ - Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur, InfoTrac Custom, International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance with Full Text, Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes - und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur, Master FILE Elite, Master FILE Premier, MasterFILE Complete, MLA International Bibliography, Music & Performing Arts Collection, Music Index, Music Index with Full Text, Music Periodicals Database, OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson), OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson), Periodicals Contents Index, Periodicals Index Online, Personal Alert (E-mail), Poetry & Short Story Reference Center, Professional ProQuest Central, ProQuest 5000, ProQuest Central, Research Alert, Research Library, RILM Abstracts, RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies, Scopus, TOC Premier, Web of Science
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Back Volumes: $85 Institutions
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Nancy Yunhwa Rao, Rutgers University
Editorial Assistants
Dane Harrison, Case Western Reserve University
Rachel Horner, Cornell University
Review Editor
Michael Birenbaum Quintero, Boston University
Editorial Board
- Jessica Swanston Baker, The University of Chicago
- Derek Baron, Rutgers University
- Ryan Ebright, Bowling Green State University
- Kevin Fellezs, Columbia University
- Shana Goldin-Perschbacher, Temple University
- Allie Martin, Dartmouth College
- Katherine Meizel, Bowling Green State University
- Marysol Quevedo, University of Miami
- Douglas Shadle, Vanderbilt University
- Michael Sy Uy, Harvard University
PDF Policy
PDFs are permitted and issued for the following:
- Tenure dossier.
- Special workshops the author is moderating.
- Other requests to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- All PDFs will include a statement of copyright and a provision that the articles will not be photocopied, distributed, or used for purposes other than the terms agreed to by UIP.
- University repositories; UIP requires a publication statement to be posted along with the preprint.
- Some journals have their own established policies and procedures for preprints. Please be sure to first check their respective Web sites before sending your request.
- Non-profit archives and repositories; Articles must be at least one year old. UIP requires a publication statement to be posted along with the postprint and a link back to the journal of publication's home page on the UIP website.
- Personal and commercial Web sites; Articles must be at least three years old. UIP requires a publication statement to be posted along with the postprint and a link back to the journal of publication's home page on the UIP website.
Please send all requests to:
Angela Burton
Intellectual Property Manager
Information for Authors and Publishers
American Music seeks submissions that employ interdisciplinary and innovative methodologies in the study of music in the Americas, especially when addressing underrepresented topics and perspectives. We welcome works by musicologists, ethnomusicologists, theorists, cultural studies scholars, anthropologists, sound studies scholars, and other scholars whose work intersects with the themes and topics outlined below. We are particularly interested in articles that engage with current debates and theoretical issues in these fields, as well as those that offer fresh perspectives on familiar topics. We also welcome submissions that include analysis of primary source materials, such as recordings, sheet music, or archival documents.
Articles should be submitted electronically to the American Music online manuscript submission system. This secure, personalized resource will allow you to track your manuscript through each step of the review and acceptance process. Your transmitted material will be reviewed as soon as possible.
Article files should be uploaded in Microsoft Word or rich text format. Please use endnotes instead of footnotes or parenthetical citations. Submitted articles should normally be between 8,000 and 10,000 words in length.
The author's full name, mailing address, and e-mail address should appear only in the cover letter, as submissions are reviewed anonymously. Please ensure that your identity does not appear in running heads, references, or notes. Page numbers should appear at the top right of all pages after page 1. All parts of the article, including endnotes, quotations, song texts, bibliographies and discographies, appendices, and captions for illustrations, must be double spaced, with 1" margins. (Bibliographies are generally only included if they are historical; they should not duplicate bibliographical information in the notes.) Music examples, figures, tables, and illustrations should be combined with the text in a single document. Illustrations and music examples need not be camera-ready. Once an article is accepted, the editor will request that figures and illustrations be sent as separate TIFF image files with image quality of at least 300 dpi.
Submissions not conforming with these instructions may be returned to the author for correction prior to consideration. American Music follows the guidelines in the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.
Themes and Topics
Though not exhaustive, the following list sketches themes and topics of interest for potential submissions:
- Music genres and performance traditions in the Americas
- Concert music and jazz, encompassing their historical development and contemporary trends
- Popular music, including rock, hip-hop, country, R&B, EDM, etc.
- Folk and traditional music, including regional and ethnic musical traditions
- Analysis and interpretation of musical works
- Performance and reception analyses
- Music and social change in the Americas
- Construction of political and ideological identities through music
- Immigration and cultural exchange, and their impact on music
- Technology and its role in shaping music
- Music as a form of protest and resistance
- Careers and vocations in American music-making and scholarship
- American music’s global resonances
- Historical, cultural, and social contexts of music in the Americas
- Technology and globalization, and their impacts on music during different historical periods
- Impact of American musics on global culture
- Role of music in the formation of American identities during different historical periods
- Pedagogies of American music
- Role of American musics in education
- Intersections of methodology and vocation for American musicians and researchers
- Approaches to teaching and studying American musics (of different historical periods)
- Teaching and learning American music inter- and transnationally
- Relationship between music and other art forms in the Americas
- Interdisciplinary or comparative analyses
- Examinations of music in relation to a broader historical moment, locale, artistic movement, etc.
- Film, TV, radio, social media, etc.
- Sports, games, public festivities, etc.
- Race, class, gender, and sexuality, as they intersect with American musics
- Race and music, including the representation of various, marginalized, or underrepresented racial and ethnic groups
- Music and gender, including the representation of women and gender non-conforming individuals in American music
- Music’s role in shaping regional identities
- Intersections of music and immigrant identities
- Theorizing American music
- Reconceptualizing taxonomies and genealogies of music and sound
- Analyzing vocality
- Problematizing geographical modifiers (i.e., ‘American’)
View our Publications Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Featured Articles
Chicago, the “City We Love to Call Home!”: Intersectionality, Narrativity, and Locale in the Music of Florence Beatrice Price and Theodora Sturkow Ryder
Samantha Ege
Not Yet “Bridging the Gender Gap”: Women’s Experiences in Composing for the Twenty-First-Century Wind Ensemble
Kate Storhoff
“We Provide a Place to Not Be Okay”: Emotional Labor in Performance and Queer Amateur Music Spaces
Ryan J. Lambe
John Sullivan Dwight, Blindness, and Music Education
Michael Accinno
Soaring into Song: Youth and Yearning in Animated Musicals of the Disney Renaissance
Ryan Bunch
“You Gotta Accentuate the Positive”: Japanese American Affirmation and Resilience in The Camp Dance: The Music and the Memories
Diana Wu
Smears, Laughs, and Barnyard Hokum: Early Jazz Trombone and the Problem of Novelty
Ken Prouty
Cambodian American Listening as Memory Work
Brian V. Sengdala
Asian American Female Composers and Digital Memory
Jennifer C. H. J. Wilson
Applying Commemorative Museum Pedagogy to Public Music Studies
Eric Hung
The 701 Articles of American Music: A Quantitative Study of Forty Years of Scholarship
Todd Decker, Daniel Fister, Rachel Jones
This Is (Not) America(n Music)
Eduardo Herrera
Interlocking Themes: American Music, Race, and Music Scholarship
Naomi André
New Currents in Film Music, Television Music, and Streaming Media Music Studies
Jacqueline Avila
Women's Work in Music
Candace Bailey
What's at Stake? Considering the Case for "Asian American Jazz"
Kevin A. Fellezs
Im/Mobility Paradox: Jazz Making in the Incarceration Camps of World War II
Susan M. Asai
Transpacific Im/Mobilities: Two Movements in Nisei Musical Practice
Alexander Murphy
The Multimusicverse of Jon Jang
Jon Jang
Francis Wong
The Way We Do the Things We Do: “Staying in the Pocket” with Guthrie P. Ramsey, Jr.
George Lipsitz
Black Musicological World-Making in Who Hears Here?
Samantha Ege
Black and Asian Stories, Citations, and Epistemic Shifts in American Music Studies: A Response to Guthrie P. Ramsey, Jr.
Bo kyung Blenda Im
Whose Ear Here?
Nora M. Alter
Skin in the Game: The Ethics of Who Hears Here?
Loren Kajikawa
From Jonkonnu and Son de los diablos to Congo Square and Son Jarocho: Global Histories of the Jawbone/Quijada as a Black Musical Instrument
Jason Petrulis
Music, Migration, and Cultural Membership in Close Harmony
León F. García Corona
“A Very Ingenious and Superior Invention”: Sailing Ship Windlass Technology and the Burgeoning of Sailors’ Chanties
Gibb Schreffler