Diasporic Italy: Journal of the Italian American Studies Association

Editor: Ryan Calabretta-Sajder


Current Volume: 5 (2025)
Issued Annually (Fall)
ISSN: 2769-772X
eISSN: 2769-7738


Diasporic Italy: Journal of the Italian American Studies Association is a scholarly, blind peer-reviewed journal devoted to the Italian American diaspora, focusing on timely and varied approaches to criticism and analysis of the field by presenting new perspectives and research on transnational issues. Published by the University of Illinois Press, it is the official publication of the Italian American Studies Association

Interdisciplinary in nature, Diasporic Italy publishes on all aspects of the arts, humanities, social sciences, and cultural studies, and is particularly interested in comparative studies, pedagogy, and translation. Additionally, the journal encourages submissions on movement to, from, and within Italy conceptualizing all aspects of the diaspora including inter-coloniality and post(-)colonialism.

The journal does not publish creative works outside of translations, nor book or media reviews.


Brepols, EBSCO, MLA International Bibliography


For individual and student memberships to the Italian American Studies Association, which includes subscription to Diasporic Italy, please visit the IASA website

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Single Issue: $35 Institutions


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Ryan Calabretta-Sajder
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Associate Editor (Arts & Humanities) 
Mark Pietralunga
Florida State University

Associate Editor (Social Sciences & History) 
Danielle Battisti 
University of Nebraska

Advisory Committee

  • William Q. Boelhower, Louisiana State University (2022)
  • Donna R. Gabaccia, University of Toronto (Canada) (2022)
  • Fred Gardaphé, Queens College, CUNY (2024)
  • Josephine Gattuso Hendin, New York University (2022)
  • Giulianna Muscio, University of Padua (Italy) (2022)
  • Anthony Julian Tamburri, John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, Queens College, CUNY (2024)

Editorial Board

  • Loretta Baldassar, University of Western Australia (Australia) (2024)
  • Giorgio Bertellini, University of Michigan (2024)
  • Charles F. Burdett, Durham University (2024)
  • Mary Jo Bona, Stony Brook University (2022)
  • Geoffrey Brock, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville (2024)
  • Robert Casillo, University of Miami (2022)
  • Jonathan Cavallero, Bates College (2024)
  • Donna Chirico, York College, CUNY (2024)
  • William J. Connell, Seton Hall University (2022)
  • Clorinda Donato, California State University, Long Beach (2024)
  • Derek Duncan, University of St. Andrews (Scotland) (2022)
  • John Duval, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville (2022)
  • Hermann W. Haller, Queens College, CUNY (2022)
  • Jessica Harriet Lee, Columbia University (Freedom and Citizenship Program) (2022)
  • Diana Iuele Colilli, Laurentian University (Canada)  (2024)
  • Jessica Jackson, Colorado State University (2024)
  • Martino Marrazzi, University of Milano (Italy) (2022)
  • Mary Ann McDonald Carolan, Fairfield University (2024)
  • Kristy Nabhan-Warren, University of Iowa (2022)
  • Graziella Parati, Dartmouth University (2022)
  • Rob Pascoe, Victoria University (AU) (2022)
  • Caterina Romeo, La Sapienza, University of Rome (Italy) (2024)
  • John Paul Russo, University of Miami (2022)
  • Colleen Ryan, Indiana University, Bloomington (2024)
  • Elizabeth Zanoni, Old Dominion University (2024)

Editorial Office

Fulbright College of Arts & Sciences

Department of World Languages, Literatures & Cultures
Kimpel Hall 425
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701

PDF Policy

PDFs are permitted and issued for the following:

  • Tenure dossier.
  • Special workshops the author is moderating.
  • Other requests to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
  • All PDFs will include a statement of copyright and a provision that the articles will not be photocopied, distributed, or used for purposes other than the terms agreed to by UIP.

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  • Personal and commercial Web sites; Articles must be at least three years old. UIP requires a publication statement to be posted along with the postprint and a link back to the journal of publication's home page on the UIP website.

Please contact the Intellectual Property Manager for more information.

Please send all requests to:

Angela Burton
Intellectual Property Manager


 Diasporic Italy: Journal of the Italian American Studies Association

Submission Guidelines

Authors wishing to have an article manuscript considered for publication should submit the following three items in Microsoft Word format to Scholastica using the button below:

  1. a copy of the manuscript without any identification of the author, i.e., no title page, no header
  2. an article abstract of 200 words
  3. 5-6 keywords
  4. a brief bio (50 words maximum) should accompany the mss. in a separate attachment
Submit to Diasporic Italy: Journal of the Italian American Studies Association

Illustrations, figures, tables, and maps should be included, preferably embedded at the end of the manuscript; however, you do not need to obtain permissions or high-quality versions at this point. The manuscript should contain references to the figures (e.g., “insert Figure 1 about here”), and a list of figure captions should be listed as a separate page. Discussion of the placement and inclusion will follow the article’s acceptance.

Articles should generally be no more than twenty pages (6000 words) long, double-spaced with font in 12 point Times New Roman, not including bibliography and endnotes in a Word file. (Original article manuscripts and their subsequent revisions should not exceed 7,500 words, including endnotes, words cited, and any appendix materials.

Diasporic Italy follows the 17th edition of The Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017). The journal uses the Chicago Style author-date system for citations, with authors’ full names included in the Works Cited list.

For example

Armstrong, John A. 1976. “Mobilized and Proletarian Diasporas.” American Political Science Review 70 (2):393–408.

Dones, Elvira. 2001. Sole bruciato. Milan: Feltrinelli.

. 2010. “In nome delle belle ragazze albanesi. ‘Signor Berlusconi, basta battutacce.’” La Repubblica, February 15, 2010. https://www.repubblica.it/politica/2010/02/15/news/scrittrice_albanese-2292563/. 

Lahiri, Jhumpa. 2016. In Other Words. Translated by Ann Goldstein. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

Tamburri, Anthony Julian. 1991. To Hyphenate or not to Hyphenate: The Italian/American Writer: Or, An Other American? Montreal: Guernica Editions.

. 2017. “The Coincidence of Italian Cultural Hegemonic Privilege and the Historical Amnesia of Italian Diaspora Articulations.” In Re-Mapping Italian America. Places, Cultures, Identities, edited by Carla Francellini and Sabrina Vellucci, 53–75. New York: Bordighera.


In-text citations: (Armstrong 1976,395–96; Dones 2001, 2010; Lahiri 2016, 146; Tamburri 1991, 50–60; 2017, 54)

Peer Review Policy

The editor and an appropriate Associate Editor make first and second round decisions about whether an article will be rejected or will move forward in the peer-review process. From there, 2 - 4 external scholars are chosen for a blind peer review. The editor then makes a final publication decision, with the consultation of Associate Editors.  

View our Publications Ethics and Malpractice Statement

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Fred L. Gardaphe

Italian Diasporic Studies: The Then and Now
Anthony Julian Tamburri (Free access through 1/31/2024)

Trading Female Bodies: The Unbearable Lightness of Prejudice in Sole bruciato by Elvira Dones
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Carefully Considered? Paolo Bacigalupi's The Windup Girl (2009) and Embodied Representation
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