Illinois Classical Studies
Illinois Classical Studies (ICS) was founded in 1976 by Miroslav Marcovich, Head of the Department of the Classics at the University of Illinois. Subsequent editors included Professors J. K. Newman, David Sansone, Gerald M. Browne, Danuta Shanzer, Antony Augoustakis, and most recently Angeliki Tzanetou.
ICS publishes original research on a variety of topics related to the Classics, in all areas of Classical philology and its ancillary disciplines, such as Greek and Latin literature, history, archaeology, epigraphy, papyrology, patristics, the history of Classical scholarship, the reception of Classics in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and beyond. ICS is thrilled to now be accepting submission of original poetry on Classical themes and translations of ancient poetry. ICS also publishes thematic volumes.

Brepols, Gale Academic OneFile, Gale Academic OneFile Select, Gale OneFile: High School Edition, Gale OneFile: Religion and Philosophy, Humanities International Complete, Humanities Source, Humanities Source Ultimate, InfoTrac Custom, Linguistic Bibliography (Online), MLA International Bibliography, New Testament Abstracts, Periodicals Index Online, PubMed, RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies, Scopus
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Brian Walters
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
4051 Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics Building
707 S Mathews Ave
Urbana, IL 61801
Editorial Board
- Antony Augoustakis, Professor of Classics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Clara Bosak-Schroeder, Assistant Professor of Classics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Aristoula Georgiadou, Associate Professor of Classics, University of Patras, Greece
- Brett Kaufman, Assistant Professor of Classics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Daniel Leon, Assistant Professor of Classics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Maryline Parca, Associate Professor Emerita of Classics, University of Illinois and University of San Diego
- Kirk Sanders, Associate Professor of Classics and Philosophy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Jon Solomon, Professor of Classics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Ariana Traill, Associate Professor of Classics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Stephen Trzaskoma, Professor of Classics, University of New Hampshire
- Brian Walters, Assistant Professor of Classics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Craig Williams, Professor of Classics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
PDF Policy
A post-print is the final version of your ICS contribution after peer review and acceptance for Illinois Classical Studies, with revisions having been implemented.
The publisher's version is the PDF file of your contribution as it appears in Illinois Classical Studies.
ICS allows authors to post post-prints of their ICS contributions in temporary locations, such as personal websites, until such time as the publisher's version is available, when all other versions must be removed from the aforementioned locations immediately.
Authors may post publisher's versions of their ICS contributions to the repository of their home institution as soon as those versions are available. When posting a publisher's version, authors must include the following reference:
Published as [provide the complete bibliographic citation as it appears in the print version of Illinois Classical Studies]. (c) [Year] by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
Illinois Classical Studies publishes original research in all areas of Classical Philology and ancillary disciplines, such as ancient history, ancient religion, ancient philosophy, and archaeology. ICS also publishes interdisciplinary work related to the Greco-Roman world; in the past it has featured work on the history of Classical scholarship, Sanskrit, Coptic, Arabic, contact between the Greco-Roman and the Judaic worlds, textual criticism, patristics, papyrology and the reception of the Classics in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and beyond.
The journal is published annually by the University of Illinois Press. Articles should be submitted electronically to the ICS online manuscript submission system. This secure, personalized resource will allow you to track your manuscript through each step of the review and acceptance process. To begin, click on the link below to set up your personal account and upload your submission. Your transmitted material will be reviewed as soon as possible.
Microsoft Word is the preferred file format. PDFs are not acceptable. All papers should be double-spaced, including endnotes, and set in 12 point type. Please include endnotes, which will be published as footnotes in print. Authors are asked to submit a manuscript in a way that conceals their identity; avoid including name, affiliation, or reference to previously published work in a way that reveals the identity of the author.
Each submission should be accompanied by an abstract of 100 words or fewer.
Authors are urged to proofread their submissions carefully, especially the quotations in Greek and Latin, to avoid rejection because of inconsistencies or oversights.
CONSENT TO PUBLISH: The Author grants and assigns exclusively to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for its use any and all rights of whatsoever kind or nature protected by the Copyright Laws of the United States and all foreign countries in all languages in and to the article, including all subsidiary rights. The Press, in turn, as part of the consideration of the agreement, grants to the Author the right of republication in any book of which he/she is the author or editor, subject only to his/her giving proper credit in the book to the original publication of the article by the University of Illinois Press.
PREVIOUS PUBLICATION: The Author guarantees that the article furnished for the Journal has not been published previously elsewhere. If any part of the article (including illustrations, examples, and other supplementary material) has been previously published elsewhere, permission must be obtained in writing for publication in the Journal and the Author must submit copy for credit lines with his/her manuscript. The Author holds the Editor, the Journal, and the University of Illinois Press harmless against all copyright claims.
Style Guidelines
All authors whose work has been accepted for publication and are preparing their final draft must adhere to the following guidelines, including the ones explained above. Failure to comply will result in a serious delay in publication.
1. General Style Guidelines
ICS follows the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed.
Footnotes should be typed as endnotes in the manuscript, double-spaced and numbered consecutively (not 1, 1a, 1b etc). We follow the system: author’s last name (year) page; e.g., Augoustakis (2010) 154.
The articles should make the materials accessible to specialists and non-specialists alike; therefore translations of the primary sources in Greek and Latin (or other ancient languages) should accompany the submission.
We require consistency in the transliteration of Greek names. Please follow the conventions of the Oxford Classical Dictionary. Possessive names ending in “s” require “’s” per CMS.
A bibliography should be appended at the end of each article. Follow L’Année Philologique for abbreviations.
For abbreviations of classical works and authors, ICS follows the Oxford Classical Dictionary, as well as LSJ, for Greek and the OLD (or the TLL) for Classical Latin, as well as L’Année Philologique. Consistency is required throughout.
Avoid abbreviations such as op.cit., ad loc., ff. Use short titles and inclusive pages instead.
An introductory note should include the information on critical editions of the text used and the appropriate translation (own or published). ICS prefers standard editions such as OCT, Teubner, Budé, or Loeb; Latin Bible verses must be cited according to the Vulgate version, and translations should be taken from a current edition of the Douay-Rheims version.
For Greek, use a unicode font. ICS prefers the APA fonts.
In Latin use u for both v and u. Avoid the use of the lunate sigma (?) in Greek. Ask editor for exceptions with each issue.
Latin in regular text and notes text (but not in extracts) is italicized.
ICS avoids Roman numerals, as well as commas, where periods should be used. E.g., “Aen. 9.1” not “Aen. IX,1.”
Place of Publication: use the Anglicized names of cities; for smaller cities in the U.S.A, please include the state also, separated by a comma. Use Cambridge for Cambridge in England, but Cambridge, MA for Cambridge in the U.S.A.
For forthcoming publications, use (forthcoming).
The journal prefers B.C.E. or C.E., and for dates: 8 December 63.
Include a final note for any acknowledgments, but only once the paper has been accepted for publication.
ICS follows American spelling, date format, and punctuation rules.
2. Artwork/Illustration Submission Guidelines for Authors
Do NOT submit color artwork files. Hard copy color photos are acceptable for scanning.
Do NOT submit JPG files.
Do NOT submit figures or examples as Word files or embedded within a Word document.
Do submit grayscale TIFF files of 300 dpi or better for photos.
Permission letters for any copyrighted material must accompany the author’s consent to publish form. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain permission for any copyrighted material and to pay for the associated permission fees. Authors should request World English language rights for print and online use.
3. Bibliographical Citations
Putnam, M. C. J. 1998. Virgil’s Epic Designs. Ekphrasis in the Aeneid. New Haven: Yale University Press. (nota bene: classical works are also italicized)
For repeated authors, use two em-dashes.
Edition of a classical work
Roche, P., ed. 2009. Lucan De Bello Ciuili Book I. With intro., text, and comm. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Braund, S. H., trans. 1992. Lucan Civil War. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Chapter in a Book
Carey, C. 2009. “Iambos.” In F. Budelmann, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Greek Lyric, 149-67. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (please provide inclusive pages).
Nota bene: for four or more editors, please use the first editor’s name and then the abbreviation et al.
McDonough, C. J. 1968. The Verse of Martianus Capella: Text, Translation, and Commentary of the Poetry in Books 1–5. Ph.D. diss., University of Toronto.
Foley, H. P. 1982. “The ‘Female Intruder’ Reconsidered: Women in Aristophanes’ Lysistrata and Ecclesiazusae.” CPh 77: 1-21.
Book reviews
Harder, M. A. 2004. Review of B. Acosta-Hughes, Polyeideia: The Iambi of Callimachus and the Archaic Iambic Tradition. In AC 73: 332-33.
Peer Review Policy
Articles (Spring issue): Upon reading the article for suitability to the journal, the Editor chooses two reviewers according to the fields of expertise, relevant to the submissions. External reviewers, independent of the journal and publisher, are selected from faculty and researchers in Colleges, Universities, and Museums in the U.S. as well as from other counties and continents (e.g., U.K., Italy, Greece, Australia, South America etc.). In the event that it is difficult to find a reviewer due to a particular area of expertise, we assign a single reviewer and solicit input, if relevant, from a member of our Editorial Board.
Thematic Issues (Fall issue): For collections of article on a particular topic (every Fall), we usually assign 1-2 external, independent reviewers and count the Guest Editor as an additional reviewer. The Journal’s Editor also works closely with the Guest Editor in editing the thematic issue.
View our Publications Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Featured Articles
Reported Speech in Greek Tragedy
James T. Clark
House-Razing and the Relationship of Oikos and Polis in Euripides's Heracles
Jocelyn Moore
Plutarch and the “Malicious” Historian
Chrysanthos S. Chrysanthou
Regal Resonances: Ovid, the princeps, and the Remote Past in Fasti 2, 4, and 6
Fanny Dolansky
Burn after Reading: Literary Fires and Literary Memory in Tacitus's Annals
Virginia Closs
Composing the puella: Pliny the Younger's Elegiac Experimentation
Mariah Elaine Smith
A Labor of Love: Statius Silvae 3.1 (Hercules Surrentinus Polli Felicis)
Michael C. J. Putnam
Lucretius Franco-Hibernicus: Dicuil's Liber de Astronomia and the Carolingian Reception of De Rerum Natura
Fabio Tutrone
Love and Friendship in Plato's Lysis: A Socratic Account
Justin Clark
Being and Becoming Good in Plato's Protagoras
Brian Reese
Finding a New Sophist: On Polyphony and Xenophon's Cyropaedia
Benjamin McCloskey
In Praise of Gorgias
Keren Shatalov
Sources of Shame: Shame and the Refutation of Polus and Callicles in Plato's Gorgias
Ross Preuss Greene
Heralding a “Proem in the Middle”? The Pisonian Conspiracy of Tacitus and the End of Nero
Rhiannon Ash
Tacitus's Omnipresent Vespasian
Victoria Emma Pagán
The Problems Posed by Contemporaneity for Late Antique Historiography
Arnaldo Marcone
Ammianus Marcellinus on Imperial Successions as Times of Crisis
Jan Willem Drijvers
Unus homo nobis cunctando restituit rem: Livy's Portrayal of Fabius Maximus during the Hannibalic War
John Briscoe