Browse Award Winners


Winner of the Clark C. Spence Award, the Mining History Association, 2004.

Author: Laurie Mercier

Computing in the Social Sciences and Humanities

A CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title, 2004.

Author: Edited by Orville Vernon Burton

The Selected Papers of Jane Addams

A CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title, 2004.

Author: Jane AddamsEdited by Mary Lynn McCree Bryan, Barbara Bair, and Maree de Angury

The Selected Papers of Margaret Sanger

A Choice Outstanding Academic Title, 2004.

Author: Margaret SangerEdited by Esther Katz

All Abraham's Children

Winner of the Best Book Award from the Mormon History Association, 2004.

Author: Armand L. Mauss

Media Power in Central America

A Choice Outstanding Academic Title, 2004.

Author: Rick Rockwell and Noreene Janus

Corruption and Reform in the Teamsters Union

A Choice Outstanding Academic Title, 2004. Winner of the Richard L. Wentworth Prize in American History, 2004.

Author: David Witwer

Indispensable Outcasts

Winner of the Sharlin Memorial Award in Social Science History, 2004. Winner of the Taft Labor History Prize, 2004.

Author: Frank Tobias Higbie

The Virtual Mummy

ALA Best of the Best From University Presses, 2004.

Author: Sarah U. Wisseman

Chinese Immigrants, African Americans, and Racial Anxiety in the United States, 1848-82

Received an Honorable Mention in the Gustavus Myers Outstanding Book Awards 2004.

Author: Najia Aarim-Heriot

Indian Metropolis

A CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title, 2004.

Author: James B. LaGrand

The Making of "Mammy Pleasant"

Winner of the Barbara Penny Kanner Prize, Western Association of Women Historians, 2004.

Author: Lynn M. Hudson

How to Read an Oral Poem

A CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title, 2004.

Author: John Miles Foley

Rap Music and Street Consciousness

A CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title, 2004.

Author: Cheryl L. Keyes

Out in Theory

Winner of the Ruth Benedict Prize for an edited volume from the Society for Lesbian and Gay Anthropologists (SOLGA), 2004. A CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title, 2004.

Author: Edited by Ellen Lewin and William L. Leap

The Hollow Log Lounge

Winner of the Maurice English Poetry Award, 2004.

Author: R. T. Smith

How Free Can the Press Be?

Selected by the American Library Association as the Best of the Best from the University Presses, 2004.

Author: Randall P. Bezanson

Transformation of the Mormon Culture Region

Winner of the Best First Book Award, the Mormon History Association, 2004.

Author: Ethan R. Yorgason


Winner of the Association for Asian American Studies Book Award, 2004. A Choice Outstanding Academic Title, 2006.

Author: Sucheng Chan

My Life in San Juan Pueblo

Elli Kongas-Maranda Prize. Womens Section of the American Folklore Society, 2004.

Author: Edited by Sue-Ellen Jacobs and Josephine Binford with M. Ellien Carroll, Henrietta M. Smith, and Tilar Mazzeo

The Bluegrass Reader

International Bluegrass Music Associations 2004 award for Print Media Personality of the Year.

Author: Edited by Thomas Goldsmith

Shiva's Drum

Finalist for the Balcones Poetry Prize, 2004.

Author: Stephen Cramer